How To : Filter a SharePoint Calendar List With a Date Picker

I was trying to add a date picker to allow the filtering of a Calendar list in SharePoint.

Unfortunately I had SharePoint Foundation, which is missing the Date Filter web part which only comes with the Enterprise edition of SharePoint.

I found this solution, which works great for filtering a specific date. My calendar items have a StartTime and EndTime though, and could take place over several days.

Since the filter connection only allows the filtering based on a single field, this wasn’t going to work.

I ended up making the changes in SharePoint Designer, which allows for parameters and multiple filters based on those parameters.

Unfortunately it wasn’t as easy as adding a DateTimeControl to the view, as the DateTimeControl outputs dates in a format that’s incompatible with the list filters. I ended up writing some Javascript to do the date conversion as well as populate the DateTimeControl with a default date of today. Here’s how to do it:

Open SharePoint Designer

Select Lists and Libraries

Select the calendar you would like to add the filtered list to.

Add a new view to your list.

Click the view to edit it.

Put your cursor just above the list and select:

Insert -> SharePoint -> DateTimeControl

Modify the properties of the DateTimeControl. Set:

AutoPostBack = True

DateOnly = True

Now we have to add in some javascript to convert the output of the DateTimeControl to a format that the SharePoint filters will recognize (YYYY-MM-DD). Go to the Code view and between the and of the DateTimeControl add the following:

function formatDateSharePoint(date)
var d = date.getDate();
var m = date.getMonth()+1;
var y = date.getFullYear();
return ” + y +’-‘+ (m<=9?'0'+m:m) +'-'+ (d<=9?'0'+d:d);

function formatDateSharePointView(date)
var d = date.getDate();
var m = date.getMonth()+1;
var y = date.getFullYear();
return '' + (m<=9?'0'+m:m) +'/'+ (d<=9?'0'+d:d) + '/' + y;

function datePickerChange()
var datePicker = document.getElementById(g_strDateTimeControlIDs["DateTimeControl1"]);
var date = new Date(datePicker.value);
var dateField = document.getElementById("spFilterDate");
dateField.value = formatDateSharePoint(date);

function datePickerDefault()
var datePicker = document.getElementById(g_strDateTimeControlIDs["DateTimeControl1"]);
var date = new Date(datePicker.value);
if (isNaN( date.getTime() ))
date = new Date();
datePicker.value = formatDateSharePointView(date);


//Call the datePickerChange on Postback, as the client side DatePickerControl events only work on IE.
//The only reliable way to call the function on postback seems to be to override the __doPostBack function
var __originalPostBack= __doPostBack;

function beforePostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) {
__originalPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument);

__doPostBack = beforePostBack;

//Default the date picker to Today, if it's not already set

So now the code for the DateTime Control should look like:

function formatDateSharePoint(date)
var d = date.getDate();
var m = date.getMonth()+1;
var y = date.getFullYear();
return ” + y +’-‘+ (m<=9?'0'+m:m) +'-'+ (d<=9?'0'+d:d);

__doPostBack = beforePostBack;

//Default the date picker to Today, if it's not already set

So what we’ve done is made it so that every time the DateTimeControl is changed, a hidden field is updated with the date in a format that’s valid for the list filter.

Now we need to read that value into a parameter and filter the list based on that parameter:

Go back to design view, select and list and choose Options -> Parameters.

Create a new parameter – we’ll call it DateFilter. Set the Source to ‘Form‘ and the Form Field to ‘spFilterDate‘ which is the name of our hidden field.

Now click on Options -> Filter and create two filters:

StartTime Less Than or Equal To DateFilter And

EndTime Greater Than or Equal To DateFilter

Save the view.

You can now use this view in SharePoint to filter the calendar to items that occur on a specific date.

Enjoy and as always, my CV is available from this web site, as well as my various custom developed Office 365, SharePoint Web Parts and Apps

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