Category Archives: Patterns and Practices

How To : Understanding and Use the Search logic for Silverlight controls in Coded UI Test

Understanding the Search logic for Silverlight controls in Coded UI Test


One of the primary objectives during recording in Coded UI Test is to generate a robust search condition for a UI control to be uniquely identifiable during playback. In this post I’ll mention some of the search logic specific to the Silverlight UI Automation support within Coded UI Test introduced in the VS 2010 Feature Pack 2.

Search condition generation during Recording


For Silverlight control, Coded UI Test relies primarily on the Automation properties of the control. The sequence of looking for a search property in order descending of priority is







Specific controls support additional searchable properties. For instance, Button supports  “DisplayText”, Image supports “Source”, DataGrid Cell supports “ColumnIndex” searchable property and likewise. The various search configurations mentioned here are applicable to Silverlight control search too (except for the SearchConfiguration.VisibleOnly configuration).


For a Silverlight object hosted in IE, the search hierarchy will consist of an IE search part and Silverlight search part –


Top Level Window à {IE Search Hierarchy} à Silverlight Root Visual Element à Parent of Target Element à Target Element.


Additional hierarchy can be generated in between the Parent and Silverlight Root Visual element based on the specific control requirement. For example, certain controls such as Datagrid, Tree, TreeItem, Tab, List Item are, at almost all times, included in the search hierarchy if they are found in the ancestor hierarchy of the target element. As an example, the extended search hierarchy of a DataGrid Cell will show up as something like


TopLevelWindow à {IE Search Hierarchy} à Root Visual Element (Silverlight) à DataGridTable (Silverlight) à DataGridRow(Silverlight) à DataGridCell (Silverlight)



Search path during Playback


The overall search logic remains identical to what is followed in other UI technologies. It is a breadth first search wherein the top level window is first searched and used as a container for searching the next control in the search condition hierarchy. This is done recursively until the leaf control in the search hierarchy is found.


As an example, for a simple button inside a Silverlight page, the search hierarchy will be typically of the format –


TopLevelWindow à Document (IE BODY Tag) à Pane (IE DIV Tag) à Custom (IE OBJECT Tag) à Root Visual Element (Silverlight) à Button (Silverlight).


For the top-down search till the IE Object Tag, the existing search features and settings in Coded UI Test are applicable. Once the search switches to the Silverlight technology (i.e. Root Visual element of the Silverlight page), there are few limitations to the search.



What is missing currently in Silverlight control search?


  1. PlaybackSettings.ShouldSearchFailFast
  • This setting is not honored currently. However, there is some level of customization that can be done using the PlaybackSettings.SearchTimeout and the Playback.PlaybackSettings.WaitForReadyTimeout settings to tweak the timeout at which the search should abort. The later may not seem obvious, and is hence explained in more detail in a section below.


  1. PlaybackSettings.MatchExactHierarchy

Silverlight control search does not currently honor  MatchExactHierarchy = false. So, the search condition specified for the entire Silverlight hierarchy needs to be accurate for the search to succeed. In the above example, it is the Root Visual Element and the Button control.


  1. Playback.PlaybackSettings.SmartMatchOptions
  • Control level smart match is not currently supported i.e. Control

Note that Regex match is not yet supported in Coded UI Test. So the only option available is to specify the PropertyExpressionOperator.Contains condition operator in the search properties.

For example, if the button’s name is of format “Submit<SomeDynamicId>”, the search property can be defined as –

uISubmitButton.SearchProperties.Add(“Name”, “Submit”, PropertyExpressionOperator.Contains);


  1. There is no concept of FilterProperties as supported in Web Technology in Coded UI Test.



How to handle search failures because of slow page loading?


If the XAP download takes a huge amount of time to load, the search during playback would fail since the Silverlight controls will not have been rendered in the visual tree. The internal search algorithm uses a wait and retry logic to search for a control while checking the visual tree rendering status at each wait interval (this time interval is upped exponentially on each iteration).

I will not be explaining the details here, but the important thing to note is that if there is no rendering happening within a polling interval, the search will return with failure status.

This polling interval is currently set to half of the Playback.PlaybackSettings.WaitForReadyTimeout which has a default value of 60 seconds (i.e. the default polling interval is 30 seconds). So to tackle slow page loading time, you can configure this Playback.PlaybackSettings.WaitForReadyTimeout to a desired value.

Note: Playback.PlaybackSettings.WaitForReadyTimeout does affect the normal search failure time in scenarios where there is some visual rendering happening in the Silverlight page. So you would need to strike an appropriate balance based on the type of application you are testing.

New Highly Customisable SharePoint CRM Template Available

A CRM/Project Management Site Template for SharePoint 2010 Enterprise or SharePoint Online tenants.
This extensive solution offers the following features:

  • User Friendly – Due to a custom User Interface & Pre-Populated InfoPath forms where possible
  • Contacts Management
  • Project Management – Associated sub tasks, documents & sales
  • Products & Services Catalog
  • Sales Register & Invoice Generation
  • Client Enquiry – Showing any items related to a client
  • Reporting
  • Integrated User Guide

To give you an idea of how SharePoint CRM looks, below is a selection of screenshots:

Home Screen

The buttons displayed are defined by a list within SharePoint CRM so can easily be modified.


Project Management

Sales Register

Being SharePoint all aspects of the SharePoint CRM Template can be customised to meet your organisations needs:

For example, to customise the home page :

Customising your homepage

Rather than the buttons on the homepage being hardcoded, they are defined by a list within the CRM site. This means you can easily add/remove/edit buttons using just your web browser, here’s how to do so:

  1. From the Site Actions, choose View All Site Content
  2. Open the PortalMenu list

Items can then be edited in the same way as any other SharePoint 2010 list, below is a description of options available:

  • Section – Defines which section the button will be shown in on your homepage
  • Order – Defines the order of the buttons within a section
  • Button Name – The text that will be displayed within the button
  • Link – The URL that users will be taken to when the button is clicked
  • Hover – The text shown when a user hovers over a button
  • Dialog – Specifies whether the page that the button links to will open in a popup dialog box
  • New Project Form – If this option is checked the Link field will be ignored an the button will open the new project form.

Adding new Sections

New sections can be added to the homepage, but will required the use of SharePoint Designer to do so:

  1. Open the PortalMenu list as described above, the go to the List Settings page
  2. Edit the Section column, then add the name of your new section as a choice
  3. Create a new list item with your new choice set within the Section field
  4. Navigate to your homepage, and set the page to edit mode
  5. Export any sections web part, then import the web part and add it to any zone
  6. Using SharePoint Designer open the homepage (SitePages\default.aspx)
  7. Select the new web part, the update the filter to match the new choice you added to the section column

This template and other SharePoint Web Parts, Apps, Custom SharePoint Templates, Tools for SharePoint, Azure and Office365 is available by contacting me through my website at http://sharepointsamurai, 

How To : Create, Edit and Maintaining a Coded UI Test for Silverlight Application

Using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Coded UI Test plugin for Silverlight, you can create Coded UI Tests or action recordings for Silverlight 5.0 applications.

Using Microsoft Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Feature Pack 2, you can create coded UI tests or action recordings for Silverlight 4 applications. Action recordings let you fast forward through steps in a manual test. For more information about action recordings or coded UI tests, see How to: Create an Action Recording or How to: Create a Coded UI Test.

In this walkthrough, you will learn the procedures that are required to test a Silverlight control in a Silverlight based application. The walkthrough takes you through the following procedures:



For this walkthrough you will need:

To prepare the walkthrough

  1. Verify that you have the Silverlight 4 developer runtime available at Silverlight Developer 4 for Developers.

  2. Verify that you have completed the procedures in Walkthrough: Creating a RIA Services Solution.

    The result will be a simple Silverlight application that uses a Silverlight grid control. Later, you will use the grid control in this walkthrough and perform coded UI tests on it.



    For more information about supported and unsupported Silverlight controls, see How to: Set Up Your Silverlight Application for Testing.

  4. With the RIAServicesExample you created in Walkthrough: Creating a RIA Services Solution running, copy the address of the Web application to the clipboard or a notepad file. For example, the address might resemble this: http://localhost: <port number>/RIAServicesExampleTestPage.aspx.

Add the SilverlightUIAutomationHelper.dll to Your Silverlight 4 Project


To test your Silverlight applications, you must add Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.SilverlightUIAutomationHelper.dll as a reference to your Silverlight 4 application so that the Silverlight controls can be identified. This helper assembly instruments your Silverlight application to enable the information about a control to be available to the Silverlight plugin API that you use in your coded UI test or is used for an action recording.This assembly cannot be redistributed. Therefore, you must add this reference conditionally when you want to build the application. By taking this approach the assembly is not redistributed when you deploy your software to a customer.

To add the SilverlightUIAutomationHelper.dll

  1. For each Silverlight project in your solution that you want to test, you must add the SilverlightUIAutomationHelper.dll. In Solution Explorer, right-click the RIAServicesExample project, select Unload Project.

    The project is displayed in Solution Explorer as RIAServicesExample (unavailable).

  2. Right-click the project again and then click Edit RIAServicesExample.csproj.

    The RIAServicesExample.csproj file is opened in the Code Editor. You will see <PropertyGroup> nodes followed by <ItemGroup> nodes. You must make the following two modifications:

    1. To set the production condition, add the following entry to the first <PropertyGroup> node:

      <Production Condition="'$(Production)'==''">False</Production>
    2. To add the DLL when the build is not a production build, insert the following <Choose> node after the <PropertyGroup> nodes, but before the <ItemGroup> nodes:

         <When Condition=" '$(Production)'=='False' ">
                 <Reference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.SilverlightUIAutomationHelper">
  3. To save the file, click Save.

  4. To reload these changes, right-click the server project and then click Reload Project

    Caution noteCaution

    If you have multiple Silverlight projects that you want to test, you must follow these steps for each project.

    Important noteImportant

    To remove the SilverlightUIAutomationHelper.dll so that it is not redistributed with your production code, set the production condition value to true in the first <PropertyGroup> node. In in this manner, the DLL is no longer added as a reference by the Choose node that you added to the project in the previous procedure. You can also set an environment variable named Production to the value True. Then you can use msbuild to build the Silverlight project and remove the SilverlightUIAutomationHelper.dll.

Create a Coded UI Test for RIAServicesExample Silverlight Application


To Create a Coded UI Test

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the solution, click Add and then select New Project.

    The Add New Project dialog box appears.

  2. In the Installed Templates pane, expand either Visual C# or Visual Basic, and then select Test.

  3. In the middle pane, select the Test Project template.

  4. Click OK.

    In Solution Explorer, the new test project named TestProject1 is added to your solution. Either the UnitTest1.cs or UnitTest1.vb file appears in the Code Editor. You can close the UnitTest1 file because it is not used in this walkthrough.

  5. In Solution Explorer, right-click TestProject1, click Add and then select Coded UI test.

    The Generate Code for Coded UI Test dialog box appears.

  6. Select the Record actions, edit UI map or add assertions option and then click OK.

    The UIMap – Coded UI Test Builder appears.

    For more information about the options in the dialog box, see How to: Create a Coded UI Test.

  7. Click Start Recording on the UIMap – Coded UI Test Builder. In several seconds, the Coded UI Test Builder will be ready.

    Start recording UI

  8. Launch Internet Explorer.

  9. In Internet Explorer’s address bar, enter the address of the Web application that you copied in a previous procedure. For example:

    http://localhost: <port number>/RIAServicesExampleTestPage.aspx

  10. Click one or two of the column headers to sort the data.

  11. Close Internet Explorer.

  12. On the UIMap – Coded UI Test Builder, click Generate Code.

  13. In the Method Name type SimpleSilverlightAppTest and then click Add and Generate. In several seconds, the Coded UI test appears and is added to the Solution.

  14. Close the UIMap – Coded UI Test Builder.

    The CodedUITest1.cs file appears in the Code Editor.


    You can assign a unique automation property based on the type of Silverlight control in your application. For more information, see Set a Unique Automation Property for Silverlight Controls for Testing.

Run the Coded UI Test on the RIAServicesExample Silverlight Application


To run the coded UI test

  • On the Test menu, select Windows and then click Test View.In Test View, select CodedUITestMethod1 under the Test Name column and then click Run Selection in the toolbar.

    The coded UI test should successfully run using the Silverlight data grid control.

How to connect a SharePoint 2013 Document Library to Outlook 2013


How to connect a SharePoint 2013 Document Library to Outlook 2013One of the key methods of gaining User Adoption of SharePoint is ensuring and pushing the integration it has with Microsoft Office to information workers. After all, information workers generally use Outlook as their ‘mother-ship’. Getting those users to switch immediately to SharePoint or, asking them to visit a document library in a SharePoint site which they will need to access could take time, especially since it means opening a browser, navigating to the site, covering their beloved Outlook client in the process.


The following describes how to connect a typical SharePoint 2013 document library to Outlook 2013 client.

  1. Access your SharePoint site; go into the relevant Documents library. In the below example, I clicked on the default Team Site Documents repository link in the Quick Launch bar, which has around 140 documents.


  1. Ok, that’s the Document library displayed, now to get to the Library Tab on the Ribbon bar; the option we are looking for is within the Library options available there.

  1. When the Library ribbon is displayed, click the Connect To Outlook button in the Connect & Export section. Note. If Connect to Outlook is greyed out ensure that Outlook 2013 is fully operational. I’ve come across examples where Outlook is installed, but no email account has been enabled in Outlook – if that’s the case this button will be greyed out.

  1. Once the Connect To Outlook button is clicked, you may receive a warning message informing you that you allow SharePoint to connect with Outlook – Click ALLOW.

  1. Outlook 2013 will be displayed. A dialog will also then be displayed that asks you to confirm that you wish to connect the Document Library to Outlook. The below dialog shows the Site Name and Document Library title, along with the URL of the document library being connected. Below, and to the right is a button that shows more information about the connection (ADVANCED button). The following screenshot shows the information displayed if the Advanced Button is clicked. There is not much you can do on that screen, for now, click YES to confirm the connection.

Here’s an example of the Advanced dialog associated. The most interesting aspect is the Permissions line. For Document Library connection to Outlook, this will be set as READ. This is by design, and for good reason. Things like classified metadata are not exposed to be writeable from Outlook including other document library settings like CheckIn/Out etc. However, this does not prevent you from modifying a file in the resultant list. If the document needs to be updated, simply double-click on the document which will open it in the local application, click the edit offline option, make your changes, click save, click close, and then a prompt should appear to allow you to update to the server.

Once completed, the documents will be listed in Outlook. The following screenshot shows the result of a Shared Document Library from a SharePoint 2013 site connected to Outlook 2013. Note the following features which in my view are awesome for User Adoption particularly from those whose centre of the universe happens to be the Outlook client; without going into jargon try to explain the following features:

  • That users are able to switch from connected library to connected library using the navigation options, each connected library shows the number of unread items (un-previewed or un-opened documents).
  • That each document (if the previewer is available) when clicked on will display a preview of the document; meaning that you can read a Word Document, for example, without having to open it in the client application.
  • That information concerning the state of the document is displayed, showing the last modifier, whether the document is checked out, when it was last modified and the document size.


Note. There is a problem I have noticed in the preview section when highlighting any file whilst working with SharePoint 2013, Office 2013 on a sandbox; the message:

‘This file cannot be previewed because of an error with the following previewer: Microsoft xxxxx previewer – To open this file in its own program, double-click it;’.

There is an article that seems to describe the issue (but does not directly mention when it’s likely to occur); and is known to Microsoft. A description of the alternatives whilst a fix is being provided here: I will further investigate this and update this article.

8 Laws of Software Installation


Clone this wiki locally


Establishing an ecosystem that works together.

I started thinking about how all of this fits together and how we (as an ecosystem) need to be able to work together–and more importantly–still allow different systems to work how they please.

Many years ago, [url:Kim Cameron|] came up with a list of [url:”7 Laws of Identity”|]. They outline some core fundamental principles that any Identity system should follow to ensure that everyone’s (users, identity providers, and relying parties) security is maximized.

It occurred to me, that concepts from the Laws could be recycled in a way that reflects how we can define the general parameters for an installation ecosystem:


Users must always be able to make the ultimate decisions about their system, and installers must never do unauthorized actions without the user’s consent. Essentially, we really want to ensure that changes that the user doesn’t want aren’t being applied to their systems. This means that the that installers should always provide a clear and accurate description of the product being installed, and ensure that the user is in control of their systems. User interfaces or tools that obscure or break this trust with the user should be avoided. Ideally, user interfaces should strive for some amount of minimalism, not be serving up a collection of pedantic screens which users tediously press ‘next’ thru. Less UI means that users are far more likely to pay attention to what’s said.

  • Personal Opinion: I guess at the same time, I should point out a particular gripe of mine, especially with open source software installation on Windows. The proliferation of EULAs and Licenses masquerading as EULAs in the installation process should stop. Many OSS licenses don’t actually have any requirement upon the end-user to agree to the terms of them before installation, so please stop asking for people to ‘agree’ just to make it look like you have a ‘professional’ installer.

  • If you actually have a requirement to record an acceptance of license, perhaps you should be doing that upon first use (or whatever activity actually requires the acceptance of the license)


Changes to a system should aim to offer the least amount of disruption to the system. Installing unnecessary or unwanted components adds to bloat, and will increase the potential attack surface for malware.

  • Personal Opinion: There is a category of software out there that has opted to provide their software free, but heavily–and often with great vigilance–attempts to install toolbars, add-ins, or other pieces of trash software that serve only to funnel advertising to the user. Others nag the user to change their default search settings, or their browser home page for similar purposes. These behaviors are abusive to customers, and should be avoided at all costs.


The ecosystem should easily support many different technologies, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Software comes in all shapes and sizes. Any well-behaved individual packaging or installation technology should be welcome to participate. Choosing one technology over another should be left to the publisher. Pushing this to the logical ends means that any attempt to unify these should permit and encourage use of any part of the ecosystem.


Installation technologies should never obfuscate what is being done, should never place the system in a state that can’t be undone. Again, keeping in mind that the target system belongs to the user, not the publisher, end users should be able to expect that un-installation should remove without issue or require any additional work to clean up.

  • Personal Opinion: On a slightly tangential note, I’d like to talk about rebooting the system. Windows Installers seem to be overly-eager to reboot the OS, either on installation or uninstallation. Now look–there is a very small class of software that can actually justify having to reboot the system. 99%+ of software should be able to deal with file conflicts, proper setup, manage their running processes or services, manipulating locked files, remove their temporary files, and all of those other things that you think you need to reboot the system in order to finish the work. If you need help on doing this, ask. You’ll be doing everyone a great service.


Ideally, a given package should be able to install into different installation scopes (OS/Global scope, Restricted/User scope, and Local/Sandboxed scope) and support installation into online and offline (VM Images) systems. Packaging systems should consider how they can help products to be fully installed in these scopes.


Software installation on Windows has since time began, been conflating configuration with installation. This approach introduces several painful problems into the software installation process:

** This increases the amount of UI during installation, which only leads to additional confusion for the end user. ** Users may not know the answers to configuration questions, and are now blocked until they can find answers. ** Configuration during installation is nearly always significantly different than the process to configure (or ‘re-configure’) the product after installation. Again, confusing to the user. ** Migrating a working configuration to another system is harder when you have to answer during installation. Configuration should be easily portable between installations. ** Increases friction for end-users who are trying to automate the installation of software for large numbers of systems.

Really, don’t be that guy.


Software publishers need to respect the system to which their software is being installed. You don’t own that system, the end user does. Common scenarios that can be disrespectful

** Launching straight from the installer — Installation should not be considered good opportunity to launch your application. Similar to configuration issues, this is frustrating to end-users who are looking to automate the installations, and can introduce confusion for users who may not have expected that.

** Automatically starting software at system start — The proliferation of software that insists on starting up with the OS automatically is getting out of control. Software that wishes to launch at start-up should get explicit opt-in consent from the user (after the user has launched the application), not require the user to hunt down the option from a sea of configuration settings to disable it. Oh, and not providing a method to trivially disable auto-start is very bad.

** Checking for software updates — There are two acceptable methods for automatically checking for software updates. Preferred: checking from within the application itself (ie, at startup) and elegantly handling update and restart. Acceptable: Launching an update checker via a scheduled task, checking and then exiting. Wrong: Auto-starting a background or tray-application to constantly check for updates.

  • Personal Opinion: This last one is particularly frustrating. Since Windows doesn’t currently have a built-in 3rd party update service (like Windows Update) that will on a schedule check for updates, download and install them, many companies have resorted to running bloated, wasteful apps in the background, waiting for updates. This is terribly disrespectful to the end user’s system, and offers absolutely nothing of value to the user that a scheduled task wouldn’t accomplish with less effort.


Finally, regardless of underlying technology, there should be a common set of commands, tools and processes that allows users to install whatever software in the way that they’d like. Currently, we see that individual installation technologies are all headed in different directions, which makes automating the installation of some pieces of software a nightmare. We as a community need to have the ability to bring all of these pieces of software together without having to manually script each individual combination.

Easy and Practical Tips on How To Achieve Code Maintainability

code_refactoring[1]No such thing as prototyping. I had the pleasure to work with a team who had to maintain and extend a project that started its life as a prototype. A couple of bright programmers put together a concept they thought would benefit their company.


It was quickly slapped together and shown to their bosses and a marketing type or two. I know a few of you know where I’m going with this. Within a month, the marketing types had a client signed on to use this new service. Having been thrown together without any real architecture, the product was a real problem to maintain.

I’m not saying never prototype, but when you do, keep in mind, this code may not be thrown away. Code the prototype using good software design skills.

Use TDD. I’m going to approach this from a different direction than most do. Yes, Test Driven Development is great for maintainability because if you break something, your tests will let you know it. But it also is a great way to document your code. Documentation in the comments is often wrong because the code changes, but the documentation doesn’t, or because the original programmer does not take the time to write well understood documentation. Or, most likely, the original programmer never gets around to writing the comments at all. As long as the tests are being run, they will usually be a reflection of how the programmer expected the process to perform.

If you fully test your code, the next programmer can get a really good idea of what your were thinking about by how you setup your tests. There is a lot you can learn by how you build the objects you pass into your code.

Don’t be cute. Sure, that way of using a while loop instead of a for loop is cool and different, but the next programmer has no idea why you did it. If you need to do something non-standard, document it in place and include why.

Peer review. We all get in a hurry trying to meet a deadline and the brain locks up when trying to remember how to do something simple. We write some type of hack to get around it, thinking we’ll go back and fix it later when more sleep and more caffeine have done their magic. But by then, you’ve slept and forgotten all about the hack. Having to explain why you did it that way to another programmer keeps some really bizarre code from getting checked in.

Build process and dependency control. At first glance, this may not seem to be an important part of writing maintainable code. Starting on any project, there is a huge curve in getting to know and understand that project. If you can get past spending time to figure out what dependencies the project requires and what settings you have to change on your IDE, you’ve cut down a bit on the time it takes to maintain the project.

Read, read, and read some more. It’s a great time to be a programmer. There are tons of articles and blogs that contain sample code all over the Internet. The publishing industry is trying hard to keep up with the ever-changing landscape. Reading code that contains best practices is an obvious way to improve your own code and help you create maintainable code. But also, reading code that does not follow best practices is a great way to see how not to do it. The trick is to know the difference between the two.

Refactor. When you have the logic worked out and your code now works, take some time to look through your code and see where you can tighten it up. This is a good time to see if you’ve repeated code that can be moved into its own method. Use this time to read the code like a maintenance programmer. Would you understand this code if you saw it for the first time?

Leave the code in better condition than when you found it. Many of us are loath to change working code just because it’s “ugly,” and I’m not given out a license to wholesale refactor any process you open in an editor. If you’re updating code that is surrounded by hard-to-maintain code, don’t take that as permission to write more bad code.

Final Thoughts

Thinking that your code will never be touched again is many things, but especially unrealistic. At the very least, business requirements change and may require modifications to your code. You may even be the person that has to maintain it, and trust me, after 6 months or so of writing other code, you will not be in the same frame of mind. Spend some time writing code that won’t be cursed by the next programmer.

How To : Develop and Deploy Azure Applications Deep Dive (Part 1)



Senior C# SharePoint Developer with 10 years experience and BSC Degree looking for serious new technical challenges and collaborative, team environment (Gauteng, South Africa)

CV available at


There are many reasons to deploy an application or services onto Azure, the Microsoft cloud services platform. These include reducing operation and hardware costs by paying for just what you use, building applications that are able to scale almost infinitely, enormous storage capacity, geo-location … the list goes on and on.

Yet a platform is intellectually interesting only when developers can actually use it. Developers are the heart and soul of any platform release—the very definition of a successful release is the large number of developers deploying applications and services on it. Microsoft has always focused on providing the best development experience for a range of platforms—whether established or emerging—with Visual Studio, and that continues for cloud computing. Microsoft added direct support for building Azure applications to Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Web Developer 2010 Express.

This article will walk you through using Visual Studio 2010 for the entirety of the Azure application development lifecycle. Note that even if you aren’t a Visual Studio user today, you can still evaluate Azure development for free, using the Azure support in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express.

Creating a Cloud Service

Start Visual Studio 2010, click on the File menu and choose New | Project to bring up the New Project dialog. Under Installed Templates | Visual C# (or Visual Basic), select the Cloud node. This displays an Enable Azure Tools project template that, when clicked, will show you a page with a button to install the Azure Tools for Visual Studio.

Before installing the Azure Tools, be sure to install IIS on your machine. IIS is used by the local development simulation of the cloud. The easiest way to install IIS is by using the Web Platform Installer available at Select the Platform tab and click to include the recommended products in the Web server.

Download and install the Azure Tools and restart Visual Studio. As you’ll see, the Enable Azure Tools project template has been replaced by a Azure Cloud Service project template. Select this template to bring up the New Cloud Service Project dialog shown in Figure 1. This dialog enables you to add roles to a cloud service.

image: Adding Roles to a New Cloud Service Project

Figure 1 Adding Roles to a New Cloud Service Project

A Azure role is an individually scalable component running in the cloud where each instance of a role corresponds to a virtual machine (VM) instance.

There are two types of role:

  • A Web role is a Web application running on IIS. It is accessible via an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint.
  • A Worker role is a background processing application that runs arbitrary .NET code. It also has the ability to expose Internet-facing and internal endpoints.

As a practical example, I can have a Web role in my cloud service that implements a Web site my users can reach via a URL such as I can also have a Worker role that processes a set of data used by that Web role.

I can set the number of instances of each role independently, such as three Web role instances and two Worker role instances, and this corresponds to having three VMs in the cloud running my Web role and two VMs in the cloud running my Worker role.

You can use the New Cloud Service Project dialog to create a cloud service with any number of Web and Worker roles and use a different template for each role. You can choose which template to use to create each role. For example, you can create a Web role using the ASP.NET Web Role template, WCF Service Role template, or the ASP.NET MVC Role template.

After adding roles to the cloud service and clicking OK, Visual Studio will create a solution that includes the cloud service project and a project corresponding to each role you added. Figure 2 shows an example cloud service that contains two Web roles and a Worker role.

image: Projects Created for Roles in the Cloud Service

Figure 2 Projects Created for Roles in the Cloud Service

The Web roles are ASP.NET Web application projects with only a couple of differences. WebRole1 contains references to the following assemblies that are not referenced with a standard ASP.NET Web application:

  • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Diagnostics (diagnostics and logging APIs)
  • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime (environment and runtime APIs)
  • Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient (.NET API to access the Azure storage services for blobs, tables and queues)

The file WebRole.cs contains code to set up logging and diagnostics and a trace listener in the web.config/app.config that allows you to use the standard .NET logging API.

The cloud service project acts as a deployment project, listing which roles are included in the cloud service, along with the definition and configuration files. It provides Azure-specific run, debug and publish functionality.

It is easy to add or remove roles in the cloud service after project creation has completed. To add other roles to this cloud service, right-click on the Roles node in the cloud service and select Add | New Web Role Project or Add | New Worker Role Project. Selecting either of these options brings up the Add New Role dialog where you can choose which project template to use when adding the role.

You can add any ASP.NET Web Role project to the solution by right-clicking on the Roles node, selecting Add | Web Role Project in the solution, and selecting the project to associate as a Web role.

To delete, simply select the role to delete and hit the Delete key. The project can then be removed.

You can also right-click on the roles under the Roles node and select Properties to bring up a Configuration tab for that role (see Figure 3). This Configuration tab makes it easy to add or modify the values in both the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg and ServiceDefinition.csdef files.

Figure 3 Configuring a Role

Figure 3 Configuring a Role

When developing for Azure, the cloud service project in your solution must be the StartUp project for debugging to work correctly. A project is the StartUp project when it is shown in bold in the Solution Explorer. To set the active project, right-click on the project and select Set as StartUp project.

Data in the Cloud

Now that you have your solution set up for Azure, you can leverage your ASP.NET skills to develop your application.

As you are coding, you’ll want to consider the Azure model for making your application scalable. To handle additional traffic to your application, you increase the number of instances for each role. This means requests will be load-balanced across your roles, and that will affect how you design and implement your application.

In particular, it dictates how you access and store your data. Many familiar data storage and retrieval methods are not scalable, and therefore are not cloud-friendly. For example, storing data on the local file system shouldn’t be used in the cloud because it doesn’t scale.

To take advantage of the scaling nature of the cloud, you need to be aware of the new storage services. Azure Storage provides scalable blob, queue, and table storage services, and Microsoft SQL Azure provides a cloud-based relational database service built on SQL Server technologies. Blobs are used for storage of named files along with metadata. The queue service provides reliable storage and delivery of messages. The table service gives you structured storage, where a table is a set of entities that each contain a set of properties.

To help developers use these services, the Azure SDK ships with a Development Storage service that simulates the way these storage services run in the cloud. That is, developers can write their applications targeting the Development Storage services using the same APIs that target the cloud storage services.


To demonstrate running and debugging on Azure locally, let’s use one of the samples from This MSDN Code Gallery page contains a number of code samples to help you get started with building scalable Web application and services that run on Azure. Download the samples for Visual Studio 2010, then extract all the files to an accessible location like your Documents folder.

The Development Fabric requires running in elevated mode, so start Visual Studio 2010 as an administrator. Then, navigate to where you extracted the samples and open the Thumbnails solution, a sample service that demonstrates the use of a Web role and a Worker role, as well as the use of the StorageClient library to interact with both the Queue and Blob services.

When you open the solution, you’ll notice three different projects. Thumbnails is the cloud service that associates two roles, Thumbnails_WebRole and Thumbnails_WorkerRole. Thumbnails_WebRole is the Web role project that provides a front-end application to the user to upload photos and adds a work item to the queue. Thumbnails_WorkerRole is the Worker role project that fetches the work item from the queue and creates thumbnails in the designated directory.

Add a breakpoint to the submitButton_Click method in the Default.aspx.cs file. This breakpoint will get hit when the user selects an image and clicks Submit on the page.

protected void submitButton_Click(
  object sender, EventArgs e) {
  if (upload.HasFile) {
    var name = string.Format("{0:10}", DateTime.Now.Ticks, 

Now add a breakpoint in the Run method of the worker file, WorkerRole.cs, right after the code that tries to retrieve a message from the queue and checks if one actually exists. This breakpoint will get hit when the Web role puts a message in the queue that is retrieved by the worker.

while (true) {
  try {
    CloudQueueMessage msg = queue.GetMessage();
    if (msg != null) {
      string path = msg.AsString

To debug the application, go to the Debug menu and select Start Debugging. Visual Studio will build your project, start the Development Fabric, initialize the Development Storage (if run for the first time), package the deployment, attach to all role instances, and then launch the browser pointing to the Web role (see Figure 4).

image: Running the Thumbnails Sample

Figure 4 Running the Thumbnails Sample

At this point, you’ll see that the browser points to your Web role and that the notifications area of the taskbar shows the Development Fabric has started. The Development Fabric is a simulation environment that runs role instances on your machine in much the way they run in the real cloud.

Right-click on the Azure notification icon in the taskbar and click on Show Development Fabric UI. This will launch the Development Fabric application itself, which allows you to perform various operations on your deployments, such as viewing logs and restarting and deleting deployments (see Figure 5). Notice that the Development Fabric contains a new deployment that hosts one Web role instance and one Worker role instance.

image: The Development Fabric

Figure 5 The Development Fabric

Look at the processes that Visual Studio attached to (Debug/Windows/Processes); you’ll notice there are three: WaWebHost.exe, WaWorkerHost.exe and iexplore.exe.

WaWebHost (Azure Web instance Host) and WaWorkerHost (Azure Worker instance Host) host your Web role and Worker role instances, respectively. In the cloud, each instance is hosted in its own VM, whereas on the local development simulation each role instance is hosted in a separate process and Visual Studio attaches to all of them.

By default, Visual Studio attaches using the managed debugger. If you want to use another one, like the native debugger, pick it from the Properties of the corresponding role project. For Web role projects, the debugger option is located under the project properties Web tab. For Worker role projects, the option is under the project properties Debug tab.

By default, Visual Studio uses the script engine to attach to Internet Explorer. To debug Silverlight applications, you need to enable the Silverlight debugger from the Web role project Properties.

Browse to an image you’d like to upload and click Submit. Visual Studio stops at the breakpoint you set inside the submitButton_Click method, giving you all of the debugging features you’d expect from Visual Studio. Hit F5 to continue; the submitButton_Click method generates a unique name for the file, uploads the image stream to Blob storage, and adds a message on the queue that contains the file name.

Now you will see Visual Studio pause at the breakpoint set in the Worker role, which means the worker received a message from the queue and it is ready to process the image. Again, you have all of the debugging features you would expect.

Hit F5 to continue, the worker will get the file name from the message queue, retrieve the image stream from the Blob service, create a thumbnail image, and upload the new thumbnail image to the Blob service’s thumbnails directory, which will be shown by the Web role.

Next installment, we will look at the Deployment Process

A Look At : The New Search Functionality in SharePoint Online and how Developers can make use of it



Search functionality in SharePoint 2013 includes several enhancements, custom content processing and a new framework for presenting search result types. SharePoint Server 2013 presents a new search architecture that includes substantial changes and additions to the search components and databases.

Also, there have been significant enhancements made to the Keyword Query Language (KQL).

Some of the features and functionalities have been depreciated from the previous version of SharePoint 2013. There has been a more search user interface improvement which brings the user more interactive with search results. For example, users can rest the pointer over a search result to see the content preview in the hover panel to the right of the result.

Now you can see Office 365 SharePoint 2013 and its admin features of Search Service Application. It’s a breakthrough advancing; nearly all the new features listed here are missed in Office 365 – SharePoint 2010. The following screen capture shows the SharePoint central administrator view for the Search section.

Manage all aspects of the Search experience for your end users improving the relevancy of your results per your content and metadata.

Search helps users quickly return to important sites and documents by remembering what they have previously searched and clicked. The results of previously searched and clicked items are displayed as query suggestions at the top of the results page.

In addition to the default manner in which search results are differentiated, site collection administrators and site owners can create and use result types to customize how results are displayed for important documents. A result type is a rule that identifies a type of result and a way to display it.


Manage Search Schema

Managed properties are used to restrict search results, and present the content of the properties in search results. Crawled properties are automatically extracted from crawled content. All the changes to properties will take effect only after the next full crawl.

Under the search schema section, administrator can:

  • View, create, or modify Managed Properties and map crawled properties to managed properties
  • View or modify Crawled Properties, or to view crawled properties in a particular category
  • View or modify Categories, or view crawled properties in a particular category.

While creating a new managed property, the ‘Mappings to crawled properties’ is one of the key attributes for the configuration set in our new property.



Manage Search Dictionaries

  Taxonomy Term Store  
People Search Dictionaries System
Department Company Exclusions Hashtags
Job Title Company Inclusions Keywords
Location Query Spelling Exclusions Orphaned terms
  Query Spelling Includings  


Manage Authoritative Pages

Search in SharePoint 2013 will analyze the collection of authoritative and non-authoritative pages to determine the ranking of search results. The authoritative sites are of two kinds:

  • Authoritative Site Pages
  • Non-authoritative Site Pages

Authoritative site pages are the links, which administrator authorized to be the most relevant information. There can be multiple authoritative pages in each environment. There is an option for specifying second and third-level authorities for search ranking. Non-authoritative site pages are the content from certain sites can be ranked lower than the rest of the content in the site.


Query Suggestion Settings

SharePoint Search comprises various features that you can leverage for building productivity solutions. One of the interesting and useful competencies are Query Suggestions. The query suggestions are administrated by two options as follows:

  • Always Suggest Phrases
  • Never Suggest Phrases

Manage Result Sources

Result Sources are used to frame the search results and confederate queries to external sources, such as internet search engines, etc. Once the result source are defined, we can configure search web parts and query rule actions to use the result source.

How the Result Source is managed? A SharePoint Online administrator of SharePoint Online Tenant can manage result sources for all site collections and sites reside under the same tenant. A site collection administrator or a site owner can manage result sources for a site collection or a site, respectively.

SharePoint 2013 provides 16 pre-defined result sources. The pre-configured default result source is Local SharePoint Results. We can state a different result source as the default as per our requirement


While creating a new Result Source, there is Protocol and Query transform are the two important parameters which tells the Result Source what to do in the SharePoint.

Protocol – Local SharePoint for results from the index of this Search Service. OpenSearch 1.0/1.1 for results from a search engine that uses that protocol. Exchange for results from an exchange source. Remote SharePoint for results from the index of a search service hosted in another farm.

Query Transform – Change incoming queries to use this new query text instead. Include the incoming query in the new text by using the query variable “{searchTerms}“.

Use this to scope results. For example, to only return OneNote items, set the new text to “{searchTerms} fileextension=one“. Then, an incoming query “sharepoint” becomes “sharepoint fileextension=one“. Launch the Query Builder for additional options.


Manage Query Rules

Query rules are to conditionally stimulate the search results and show hunks of supplementary results based on the rules created in the SharePoint. In a query rule, you can specify conditions and correlated actions without any help of code. The user with Site Collection, Site owner permission level can create and manage the query rules.


Manage Query Client Types

Query Client Types are one of the new search features in SharePoint 2013. Client Type identifies an application where a search query is sent from. Applications are prioritized by tiers. Top tier has the highest priority. When resource limit is reached, query throttling becomes ON, and search system will process the queries from top tier to bottom tier.

System Client Types are available out-of-the box, and cannot be deleted. We can add a new custom Client Type by clicking on New Client Type.


Remove Search Results

To remove data from the search results, type the URLs which needed to remove from it. All the URLs listed in the textbox will be removed from search results immediately, once after the Remove Now button is clicked.

View Usage Reports

Here the administrator will be able to see the usage reports and search related report, example Query Rules usage by day, Top Queries by Day, etc.

Search Center Settings

In this setting, the default search system will be mapped. Usually the Enterprise Search Center site that has been created for search entire SharePoint sites in the organization.

Export Search Configuration

Create a file that includes all customized query rules, result sources, result types, ranking models and site search settings but not any that shipped with SharePoint, in the current tenant that can be imported to other tenants.

Import Search Configuration

If you have a search configuration you’d like to import, browse for it below. Settings imported from the file will be created and activated as part of the site. You can modify any of the settings after import.

Crawl Log Permissions

Grant users read access to crawl log information for this tenant.

Search Client Object Model

SharePoint 2013 Search includes a client object model (CSOM) that enables access to most of the Query object model functionality for online, on-premises, and mobile development. You can use the Search CSOM to create client applications that run on a machine that does not have SharePoint 2013 installed to return SharePoint 2013 Preview search results.

The Search CSOM includes a Microsoft .NET Framework managed client object model and JavaScript object model, and it is built on SharePoint 2013. First, client code accesses the SharePoint CSOM. Then, client code accesses the Search CSOM.

NOTE: Custom search solutions in SharePoint Server 2013 do not support SQL syntax. Search in SharePoint 2013 supports FQL syntax and KQL syntax for custom search solutions.

We can configure crawled and managed properties. Configure Result Sources which were Federated Result / Scopes in SharePoint Search 2010.


Introduction to Business Connectivity Services (BCS)

BCS has the ability to connect and query the data sources and returns the results to the user through an external list, or app for SharePoint, or Office 2013. The Microsoft Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013 include Microsoft Business Connectivity Services (BCS).

The SharePoint 2013 and the Office 2013 suites include Microsoft Business Connectivity Services. With Business Connectivity Services, you can use SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 clients as an interface into data that doesn’t live in SharePoint 2013 itself. It does this by making a connection to the data source, running a query, and returning the results.

Business Connectivity Services returns the results to the user through an external list, or app for SharePoint, or Office 2013 where you can perform different operations against them, such as Create, Read, Update, Delete, and Query (CRUDQ). Business Connectivity Services can access external data sources through Open Data (OData), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) endpoints, web services, cloud-based services, and .NET assemblies, or through custom connectors.

Business Connectivity Services can access external data sources through Open Data (OData), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) endpoints, web services, cloud-based services, and .NET assemblies, or through custom connectors. The Open Data Protocol is known as OData. It is an open web protocol for querying and updating data.

Business Connectivity Services uses SharePoint 2013 and Office 2013 as a client interface for data which doesn’t reside SharePoint 2013 environment.

The following screen capture is the BCS features and configuration options available under the SharePoint Administration Center in the Office 365.

A Look At : Application Management and Governance in SharePoint 2013

Summary:Learn how to govern applications for SharePoint 2013 by creating a customization policy and understanding the app model, branding, and life-cycle management.


How will you manage the applications that are developed for your environment? What customizations do you allow in your applications, and what are your processes for managing those applications?


For effective and manageable applications, your organization should consider the following:

  • Customization policy   SharePoint 2013 includes customizable features and capabilities that span multiple product areas, such as business intelligence, forms, workflow, and content management. Customization can introduce risks to the stability, maintenance, and security of the environment. To support customization while controlling its scope, you should develop a customization policy.
  • Life-cycle management   Follow best practices to manage applications and keep your environments in sync.
  • Branding   If you are designing an information architecture and a set of sites to use across an organization, consider including branding in your governance plan. A formal set of branding policies helps ensure that sites consistently use enterprise imagery, fonts, themes, and other design elements.
  • Solutions or apps for SharePoint?   Decide whether a solution or an app for SharePoint would be the best choice for specific customizations.

Get developer guidance about customizing and branding SharePoint 2013 on MSDN: Build sites for SharePoint 2013.

Foundation icon This article is part of a set of articles about governance. The following articles describe other aspects of governance:

The What is governance? poster gives a summary of this content. Download the PDF version or Visio version, or Zoom into the model in full detail with from Microsoft.

Determine the types of customizations you want to allow and how to manage them. Your customization policy should include:

  • Service-level descriptions   What are the parameters for supporting and managing customizations in your environments? See Service-level agreements.
  • Guidelines for updating customizations   How do you manage changes to customizations, and how do you roll out those changes to your environments? Consider ways to manage source code, such as a source control system and standards for documenting the code.
  • Processes for analyzing   How do you understand whether a particular customization is working well in your environment, or how do you decide which ones to create, change, or retire?
  • Approved tools for customization   Consider development standards, such as coding best practices and the tools that you will to use across your organization. For example, you should decide whether to allow the use of SharePoint Designer 2013 and Design Manager, and specify which site elements can be customized and by whom.
  • Process for piloting and testing customizations   How do you test and deploy customizations? How many people should be in a pilot testing group? What are your standards for testing and validating customizations?
  • Who is responsible for ongoing support   Who will be responsible for supporting customizations in your environments—individual teams or a central group?
  • Guidelines for packaging and deploying customizations   Do you have individual packages for each, or do you include several in a feature or solution? Which customizations should be apps for SharePoint instead of solutions? How do you ensure that customizations in one environment do not affect the rest of your SharePoint implementation?
  • Specific policies regarding each potential type of customization   What types of customizations do you allow?

    For more information about kinds of customizations and their potential risks, see the Customizations table later in this article. For more information about processes for managing customizations, see the white paper SharePoint Products and Technologies customization policy. Most of this content still applies to SharePoint 2013.

  • Policies around using the App Catalog and SharePoint Store Which apps for SharePoint do you want to make available to your organization? Can users purchase apps directly? See Solutions or apps for SharePoint? later in this article for more information.

The highly customizable design of SharePoint products enables you to provide the look, behavior, or functionality that meets your business needs. Customizations can introduce risk to your environment, whether that risk is to the environment’s performance, availability, or supportability. Conversely, a “no customizations” policy severely restricts your organization’s ability to take advantage of the SharePoint platform.

All customizations are not the same. You must decide carefully which kinds of customizations to allow in your environment. You must ensure the customizations support the performance, availability, and supportability you want for your environment. Your governance policy should balance a level of acceptable risk against the business needs for your organization.

What is considered a customization? All of the following are considered kinds of customizations in SharePoint products:

  • Configuration   Using the SharePoint user interface to configure SharePoint products.
  • Branding   Changing logos, styles, colors, master pages and page layouts, and so on to create a custom look for your SharePoint sites. See more about branding.
  • Custom code   Using developer tools to add or change functionality in SharePoint products or to interact with other applications. Risk can vary depending on kind of functionality and level of trust (full trust solutions should be rarely used; consider apps for SharePoint first).
    Sandboxed solutions are deprecated in this release, so they are not the best option for custom code in the long term

Some customizations have very little risk or impact on your environment. Others have the potential for much higher risk and impact. The following table provides examples of different kinds of customizations, the risk level associated with that kind of customization, and potential issues that you might face if you allow that kind of customization.


Risk level Types of customizations and examples Considerations or impact
Unsupported/High Unsupported customizations such as direct changes to the database schema or modifying files on the file system.
  • Will not be supported through Microsoft Customer Support.
  • Will be unable to upgrade.

Do not use.

Moderate to high Creating applications that interact with or redirect actions in key pipelines, such as events, claims, and so on.
  • Potential for service outage or performance issues.
  • Might require rework at upgrade.
Moderate to low Using a custom Web Part outside a sandbox environment, creating custom actions such as adding a menu item, or creating a custom site provisioning process.
  • Short or long-term performance issues or page errors.
  • Might require rework at upgrade.
Low Using solutions in a sandbox environment. Short-term performance issues; you can avoid some performance issues by using resource throttling and quotas.
Very low to no risk Using apps for SharePoint or using functionality within the product or configurations, such as associating a workflow with a list or using an instance of a built in Web Part. Minor configuration or page errors that would have to be addressed. Apps can be uninstalled or updated.
For more information about customizations and upgrade, see Considerations for specific customizations.



Also, when you think through the customizations to allow in your environment, consider carefully whether a particular customization is necessary. If it recreates functionality that is already available in the product (such as creating a Web Part that does the same thing as the Content Editor Web Part or the Content by Query Web Part), then that might be unnecessary work.

Consider first whether the standard functionality can do what you want, or check the SharePoint Store to see if there is an app for SharePoint available that does what you need.

Follow these best practices to manage applications based on SharePoint 2013 throughout their life cycle:

  • Use separate development, preproduction, and production environments, and keep these environments as synchronized as possible so that you can accurately test your customizations.
  • Test all customizations before releasing the first time and after any updates have been made before you release them to your production environment.
  • Use source code control and solution and feature versioning to track changes to code.

Development, test, and production environments

Consistent branding with a corporate style guide makes for more cohesive-looking sites and easier development. Store approved themes in the theme gallery for consistency so that users will know when they visit the site that they are in the right place.

SharePoint 2013 includes a new feature to use for branding, Design Manager. By using Design Manager, you can create a visual design for your website with whatever web design tool or HTML editor you prefer and then upload that design into SharePoint. Design Manager is the central hub and interface where you manage all aspects of a custom design.

Creating the visual design of a site often fits into a larger process, in which multiple people or organizations are involved. For a roadmap of the tasks from a larger perspective, see Design and branding in SharePoint 2013.

SharePoint 2013 has a new development model based on apps for SharePoint. Apps for SharePoint are self-contained pieces of functionality that extend the capabilities of a SharePoint website. An app may include SharePoint features such as lists, workflows, and site pages, but it can also use a remote web application and remote data in SharePoint. An app has few or no dependencies on any other software on the device or platform where it is installed, other than what is built into the platform. Apps have no custom code that runs on the SharePoint servers.

The guidance for whether to use apps for SharePoint or SharePoint solutions is to:

  • Design apps for end users

    Apps for SharePoint:

    • Are easy for users (tenant administrators and site owners) to discover and install.
    • Use safe SharePoint extensions.
    • Provide the flexibility to develop future upgrades.
    • Can integrate with cloud-based resources.
    • Are available for both SharePoint Online and on-premises SharePoint sites.
  • Use farm solutions for administrators

    SharePoint solutions:

    • Can access the server-side object-model APIs that are needed to extend SharePoint management, configuration, and security
    • Can extend Central Administration, Windows PowerShell cmdlets, timer jobs, custom backups, and so on.
    • Are installed by administrators.
    • Can have farm, web application, or site-collection scope.

Go to MSDN to get more information about the new development model, Apps for SharePoint compared with SharePoint solutions, and Deciding between apps for SharePoint and SharePoint solutions.

Set a policy for using apps for SharePoint in your organization. Can users purchase and download apps? How do you make your organization’s apps available? How do you tell if they’re being used?

  • SharePoint Store   Determine whether users can purchase or download apps from the SharePoint Store.
  • App Catalog   Make specific apps for SharePoint available to your users by adding them to the App Catalog.
  • App requests   Configure app requests to control which apps are purchased and how many licenses are available.
  • Monitor apps   Monitor specific apps in SharePoint Server 2013 to check for errors and to track usage.

In the market

SharePoint 2013 Standards released!!

SharePoint Development Standards for SharePoint 2013

This is only meant as application specific standards. You should always review these standards along with regular development standards which identify things like naming conventions and approaches.


General Principals

  •          All new functionality and customizations must be documented.
  • Do not edit out of the box files.
    • For a few well defined files such as the Web.config or docicon.xml files, the built-in files included with SharePoint Products and Technologies should never be modified except through official supported software updates, service packs, or product upgrades.
  • Do not modify the Database Schema.
    • Any change made to the structure or object types associated with a database or to the tables included in it. This includes changes to the SQL processing of data such as triggers and adding new User Defined Functions.

o    A schema change could be performed by a SQL script, by manual change, or by code that has appropriate permissions to access the SharePoint databases. Any custom code or installation script should always be scrutinized for the possibility that it modifies the SharePoint database.

  •          Do not directly access the databases.

o    Any addition, modification, or deletion of the data within any SharePoint database using database access commands. This would include bulk loading of data into a database, exporting data, or directly querying or modifying data.

o    Directly querying or modifying the database could place extra load on a server, or could expose information to users in a way that violates security policies or personal information management policies. If server- side code must query data, then the process for acquiring that data should be through the built-in SharePoint object model, and not by using any type of query to the database. Client-side code that needs to modify or query data in SharePoint Products and Technologies can do this by using calls to the built-in SharePoint Web services that in turn call the object model.

  •   Exception: In SharePoint 2010 the Logging database can be queried directly as this database was designed for that purpose.
  •          In SharePoint 2007 site and list templates must be created through code and features (site and list definitions). STP files are not allowed as they are not updatable.

Development Decisions:

There are plenty of challenging decisions that go into defining what the right solution for a business or technical challenge will be. What follows is a chart meant to help developers when selecting their development approach.

                     Sandbox                               Apps                                      Farm
When to use Deprecated. Therefore, it’s unadvisable to build new sandboxed solutions. Best practice. Create apps whenever you can. Create farm solutions when you can’t do it in an app. See for more info.
Server-side code Runs under a strict CAS policy and is limited in what it can do. No SharePoint server-code. When apps are hosted in an isolated SharePoint site, no server-code whatsoever is allowed. Can run full trust code or run under fine grained custom CAS policies.
Resource throttling Run under an advanced resource management system that allows resource point allocation and automatic shutdown for troublesome solutions. Apps run isolated from a SharePoint farm, but can have an indirect impact by leveraging the client object model. Can impact SharePoint server-farm stability directly.
Runs cross-domain No, and there’s no need to since code runs within the SharePoint farm. Yes, which provides a very interesting way to distribute server loads. No, and there’s no need to since code runs within the SharePoint farm.
Efficiency/Performance Runs on the server farm, but in a dedicated isolated process. The sandbox architecture provides overhead. Apps hosted on separate app servers (even cross-domain) or in the cloud may cause considerable overhead. Very efficient.
Safety Very safe. Apps rely on OAuth 2.0. The OAuth 2.0 standard is surrounded by some controversy (for example, check out what OAuth lead author Eran Hammer has to say about it here: . In fact, some SharePoint experts have gone on the record stating that security for Apps will become a big problem. We’ll just have to wait and see how this turns out. Can be very safe, but this requires additional testing, validation and potential monitoring.
Should IT pros worry over it? Due the the limited CAS permissions and resource throttling system, IT pros don’t have to worry. Apps are able to do a lot via the client OM. There are some uncertainties concerning the safety of an App running on a page with other Apps. For now, this seems to be the most worry-able option, but we’ll have to see how this plays out. Definitely. This type of solutions run on the SharePoint farm itself and therefore can have a profound impact.
Manageability Easy to manage within the SharePoint farm. Can be managed on a dedicated environment without SharePoint. Dedicated app admins can take care of this. Easy to manage within the SharePoint farm.
Cloud support Yes Yes, also support for App MarketPlace. No, on-premises (or dedicated) only.

App Development (SharePoint 2013):

  •          When developing an app select the most appropriate client API:

o   Apps that offer Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) actions against SharePoint or BCS external data, and are hosted on an application server separated by a firewall benefit most from using the JavaScript client object model.

o   Server-side code in Apps that offer Create/Read/Update/Delete (CRUD) actions against SharePoint or BCS external data, and are hosted on an application server but not separated by a firewall mainly benefit from using the .managed client object model, but the Silverlight client object model, JavaScript client object model or REST are also options.

o   Apps hosted on non-Microsoft technology (such as members of the LAMP stack) will need to use REST.

o   Windows phone apps need to use the mobile client object model.

o   If an App contains a Silverlight application, it should use the Silverlight client object model.

o   Office Apps that also work with SharePoint need to use the JavaScript client object model.

Quality Assurance:

  • Custom code must be checked for memory leaks using SPDisposeCheck.
    • False positives should be identified and commented.
  • Code should be carefully reviewed and checked. As a starting point use this code review checklist (and provide additional review as needed).
  • Provide an Installation Guide which contains the following items (Note this relates to SharePoint Deployment Standards):
    • Solution name and version number.
    • Targeted environments for installation.
    • Software and hardware Prerequisites: explicitly describes what is all needed updates, activities, configurations, packages, etc. that should be installed or performed before the package installation.
    • Deployment steps: Detailed steps to deploy or retract the package.
    • Deployment validation: How to validate that the package is deployed successfully.
    • Describe all impacted scopes in the deployment environment and the type of impact.


  • A consistent user interface should be leveraged throughout the site. If a custom application is created it should leverage the same master page as the site.
  • Editing out of the box master pages is not allowed. Instead, duplicate an existing master page; make edits, then ensure you add it to a solution package for feature deployment.
  • When possible you should avoid removing SharePoint controls from any design as this may impact system behavior, or impair SharePoint functionality.
  • All Master Pages should have a title, a description, and a preview image.
  • All Page Layouts should have a title, a description, and a preview image.


  • All custom SharePoint work should be deployed through SharePoint Solution (.wsp) files.
  • Do not deploy directly into the SharePointRoot (12-Hive, 14-Hive) Folders. Instead deploy into a folder identified by Project Name.


  • Features must have a unique GUID within the farm.
  • Features with event receivers should clean up all changes created in the activation as part of the deactivation routine.
    • The exception to this is if the feature creates a list or library that contains user supplied data. Do not delete the list/library in this instance.
  • Features deployed at the Farm or Web Application level should never be hidden.
  • Site Collection and Site Features may be hidden if necessary.
  • Ensure that all features you develop have an appropriate name, description, updated version number and icon.

SharePoint Designer:

  • SharePoint Designer 2007 updates are generally not allowed.
    • The only exception to this rule is for creating DataForm Web Parts.
    • The following is a recommended way of managing this aspect:
      Create a temporary web part page (for managing the manipulation of a data view web part). Once the web part is ready for release and all modifications have been made export the .webpart and then delete the page. You can now import it onto a page elsewhere or place it in the gallery. This way none of your production pages are un-ghosted. The other advantage is that you can place the DVWP on a publishing page (as long as there are web part zones to accept them).
    • DataForm Web Parts should be exported through the SharePoint GUI and solution packaged for deployment as a feature.
    • This does not mean that SharePoint Designer should not be used for creating and testing branding artifacts such as master pages and page layouts.
      • It is important for these artifacts to be deployed through solution files (WSPs) and typical build and deployment processes and not by manual methods.
  • SharePoint Designer 2010 updates are generally only allowed by a trained individual.
    • The following is a recommended way of managing the creation of DataForm Web Parts:
      Create a temporary web part page (for managing the manipulation of a data view web part). Once the web part is ready for release and all modifications have been made export the .webpart and then delete the page. You can now import it onto a page elsewhere or place it in the gallery. This way none of your production pages are un-ghosted. The other advantage is that you can place the DVWP on a publishing page (as long as there are web part zones to accept them).
    • DataForm Web Parts should be exported through the SharePoint GUI and solution packaged for deployment as a feature.
  • SharePoint Designer workflows should not be used for Business Critical Processes.
    • They are not portable and cannot be packaged for solution deployment.
      • Exception Note: Based on the design and approach being used it may be viable in SharePoint 2010 for you to design a workflow that has more portability. This should be determined on a case by case basis as to whether it is worth the investment and is supportable in your organization.

Site Definitions:

  • In SharePoint 2007 site and list templates must be created through code and features (site and list definitions).
    • STP files are not allowed as they are not updatable.
  • Site definitions should use a minimal site definition with feature stapling.


  • Solutions must have a unique GUID within the farm.
  • Ensure that the new solution version number is incremented (format V#.#.#).
  • The solution package should not contain any of the files deployed with SharePoint.
  • Referenced assemblies should not be set to “Local Copy = true”
  • All pre-requisites must be communicated and pre-installed as separate solution(s) for easier administration.

Source Control:

  • All source code must be under a proper source control (like TFS or SVN).
  • All internal builds must have proper labels on source control.
  • All releases have proper labels on source control.


  • If an InfoPath Form has a code behind file or requires full trust then it must be packaged as a solution and deployed through Central Administration.
  • If an InfoPath form does not have code behind and does not need full trust the form can be manually published to a document library, but the process and location of the document library must be documented inside the form.
    • Just add the documentation text into a section control at the top of the form and set conditional formatting on that section to always hide the section, that way users will never see it.


  • All WebParts should have a title, a description, and an icon.

Application Configuration

o   Web.config

  •   APIs such as the ConfigurationSection class and SPWebConfigModification class should always be used when making modifications to the Web.config file.
  •   HTTPModules, FBA membership and Role provider configuration must be made to the Web.config.

o   Property Bags

  •   It is recommended that you create your own _layouts page for your own settings.
  •   It is also recommended that you use this codeplex tool to support this method

o   Lists

  •   This is not a recommended option for Farm or Web Application level configuration data.
  •   It is also recommended that you use this codeplex tool to support this method

o   Hierarchical Object Store (HOS) or SPPersistedObject

  •   Ensure that any trees or relationships you create are clearly documented.
  •   It is also recommended that you use the Manage Hierarchical Object Store feature at This feature only stores values in the Web Application. You can build a hierarchy of persisted objects but these objects don’t necessarily map to SPSites and SPWebs.


One design to rule them all – Responsive design

In the last few years, the use of mobile devices to surf the web has increased significantly.

According to some researchers, by 2015, more mobile devices than desktop computers will be used to access the web. Mobile devices come in different sizes and capabilities. And since the desktop experience just isn’t good for mobile users, what are the options for improving the experience of mobile users on your website?

Improving the user experience across devices

Optimizing the user experience of a website across different devices is a complex process. Not only do you have to take into account the screen resolution of each device, but you also need to consider its capabilities (such as touch or pointer-based) and device size (1024×768 might be clearly readable for everyone on a 20-inch monitor but might result in a very bad experience on a 5-inch screen).

When you are planning improvements to the user experience of your website on mobile devices, there is no silver bullet approach. You have to research who your users are, which devices they use, and what they are trying to achieve on your website.

You also have to have clear goals for what purpose your website serves and how it should guide your visitors in the process of becoming your customers.

You have several options for improving the user experience of a public-facing website. Which one you choose depends on the different factors that apply to your scenario.

Mobile websites

In the past, when the web technology wasn’t as sophisticated as it is nowadays, it was a common practice to provide mobile users with a separate mobile website to optimize their experience. Being hosted on a separated URL, such as, the mobile site would have a user experience optimized for mobile devices.

In some scenarios, organizations would even go a step further and optimize the copy on the mobile website. When a user navigated to the website using a mobile device, the main website would detect the use of a mobile device and automatically redirect the visitor to the mobile version.

It’s not that hard to imagine that building and maintaining two different sites is not only costly but also time consuming. Every update has to be done separately. Even then, with the diversity of today’s mobile devices, the questions remain whether a single mobile website would suffice and whether you wouldn’t need more websites to reach the whole spectrum of your customers.

Being able to reuse the content across the main and mobile websites simplifies the content management process. But the need to separately maintain the functionality of both websites makes it hard to justify this approach in most scenarios.

Mobile apps

One of the recent developments of the mobile market is the increased popularity of companion apps. By using the native capabilities of specific devices, you can build rich mobile apps to support different use cases. There is no better user experience on a mobile device than the native one offered by the device itself. For more information, see Build mobile apps for SharePoint 2013.

But is it realistic to build separate apps for all the different scenarios and for all the different mobile devices used to navigate the website? Although mobile apps are of great value for supporting specific use cases, there is still the need to access the information on the website from a mobile device in a user-friendly way.

Responsive web design

Instead of building separate mobile sites for mobile devices, what if we could have one website that automatically adapts itself to the particular device?

Responsive web design is a concept based on the ability to separate the design from the content on a website. Using the CSS media queries capability implemented in all modern browsers, and based on the screen dimensions of the specific device, you can load different style sheets to ensure that the website is presented in a user-friendly manner. And because CSS has its limitations, you can use JavaScript to further optimize the interface and interaction of a website on mobile devices. For more information, see Implementing your responsive designs on SharePoint 2013.

From the search engine optimization (SEO) perspective, responsive web design is the recommended way to optimize public-facing websites for mobile devices. After all, since the same HTML is sent to every device, it’s sufficient for an Internet search engine to index the content once, and it can be sure that the search results will apply the search query on every device.

Implementing responsive web design on a public-facing website is relatively easy assuming you start planning for it from the beginning. The great advantage of responsive web design above other approaches is that you maintain your website once to support a variety of audiences, and the different experiences are future-proof as they depend on the devices’ dimensions rather than their identity.

The following figures show how the sample Contoso Electronics website is displayed on different devices using responsive web design. Figure 1 shows the screen shot taken on a desktop device.

Figure 1. The Contoso Electronics website displayed on a desktop deviceFigure 1. The Contoso Electronics website displayed on a desktop device

Figure 2 shows how the Contoso Electronics website looks like on different mobile devices.

Figure 2. The Contoso Electronics website displayed on mobile devicesFigure 2. The Contoso Electronics website displayed on mobile devices

SharePoint 2013 device channels

One of the new capabilities of SharePoint 2013 is device channels. You can use device channels to optimize how a website is displayed on different devices. By defining different channels and associating different devices with them, you can use different master pages to optimize how the website is presented to the user.

Figure 5 shows a sample configuration of device channels for a public-facing website built with SharePoint 2013.

Figure 3. Device channels configured for a public-facing website built on SharePoint 2013Figure 3. Device channels configured for a public-facing website built on SharePoint 2013

Whereas responsive web design uses a device’s screen size to determine the presentation layer, device channels in SharePoint 2013 use the identity of the browser on the particular device to decide which presentation style to use.

Depending on how many different devices your site visitors use, managing the different devices and experiences can become complex. By using device channels, you get more flexibility in controlling the markup of your website for the different devices. Another benefit of using device channels is that you can serve different content to different devices, whereas the same content is served when using responsive web design. With device channels, you can apply additional optimizations to your website, such as resizing images and videos server-side using the renditions capability, which further improves the performance and user experience of your website. For more information, see How to: Manage image renditions in SharePoint 2013.

With all the different options at our disposal, which one should we use to get the best results?

Improving the user experience of a public-facing website in SharePoint 2013

First and foremost, it’s important to note that SharePoint 2013 supports all the methods mentioned above for improving user experience on mobile devices.

Whether you’re looking at building a separate website for mobile users, supporting certain use cases with a mobile app, implementing responsive web design, or using device channels, it can all be implemented in your website on top of SharePoint 2013.

Not only does SharePoint 2013 not stand in your way, but it also supports you in implementing some of those improvements.

For example, using the cross-site publishing capability, you can easily publish the centrally managed content on both the main and the mobile websites. With the Search REST API, you can have your content published in your mobile app, and if you’re looking at optimizing the presentation of your website across different devices, SharePoint 2013 offers plenty of features to help you.

With all these techniques at your disposal, it is up to you to decide which method, or combination of methods, is the best choice for what you’re trying to achieve. While you might be interested in supporting a particular complex process with a dedicated mobile app, it might still be of added value to ensure that everyone, regardless of their device, can access all the information on your website.

In most scenarios, it’s easy to choose whether or not the particular optimization technique offersadded value. A slightly more difficult choice, partly due to the similarity of both methods, is whether you should use responsive web design or device channels to optimize the presentation of your website for mobile devices.

Responsive web design and device channels comparison

Responsive web design and the SharePoint 2013 device channels capability are similar in how they let you optimize a single website to be displayed in a user-friendly way on different devices. Despite this similarity, there are a few important differences between both approaches. Table 1 presents a comparison of the different properties of both approaches.

Device channels Responsive web design
Device management Property management
Different HTML for every channel Same HTML for every device
More management (support for new devices) Future proof (device size)
More flexibility Limited by CSS support and capabilities
Custom Vary-By User Agent response header required Preferred by Internet search engines
Table 1. Comparison of device channels and responsive web design

Applying user experience

First of all, there is a difference in how both approaches determine which user experience should be applied for the particular user. Responsive web design uses the size of the screen to determine how the content should be laid out in the browser’s window. Device channels, on the other hand, use the identity of the browser to load the suitable channel.

While responsive web design can cause different experiences to be loaded depending on the size of the browser window, device channels will always load the same experience for the same device regardless of the browser window size. Using device channels can have great advantages, for example, from the troubleshooting point of view where the user and the helpdesk employee would see the same interface despite the possible differences in their screen resolutions or browser window sizes.

Page markup

Another difference between device channels and responsive web design is how the page contents are served. Responsive web design changes only the presentation layer of the website. Although you can hide some pieces of the page in the browser using CSS, they are still present in the website’s code and therefore loaded. When using device channels, you can use different master pages to ensure that only the relevant markup is served to users. Additionally, you can use the device channel panels to further control the content elements loaded on specific pages.

Although device channels allow for better control of the rendered HTML and therefore optimized performance of the website, more effort is required to ensure that Internet search engines will properly deal with all the different versions of the website presented to different devices. You can achieve this by using the Vary-By User Agent response header, but it has to be done manually.


Responsive web design uses the size of the browser window to distinguish between the different experiences. This is a robust approach, and the chances are low that a new device will appear on the market that has a poor user experience despite the configured breakpoints. One reason for that might be related to some specific capabilities of such devices, but again, chances of this are very rare.

SharePoint 2013 device channels are based on the identity of the browser used to open the website. There are two challenges with this approach. First of all, in some situations it might be impossible to distinguish between the same browser installed on the same operating system but on two devices with distinct capabilities. Second, if a new device appears on the market, you would have to verify that this device is assigned to the right device channel on your website.

Choosing the right approach for optimizing the user experience

Although responsive web design and device channels are very similar, their capabilities differ and they have different impact when used for optimizing a website for mobile devices. Due to their similarities and their own strength, choosing between the two approaches is often difficult. Why not combine both approaches to get the best of what they offer?

Combining responsive web design and device channels

An interesting scenario worth considering is to combine responsive web design and SharePoint 2013 device channels to benefit from the strengths of both approaches.

When combining responsive web design and device channels, you could use responsive web design to create the baseline cross-device experience. Depending on your design for the different breakpoints, using responsive web design could be good for the 80%, or maybe even 90%, of the optimizations. The remainder—whether they’re caused by how the web design changes between the breakpoints or by the capabilities of the different devices that should be supported—could be covered by device channels and device channel panels.

By using responsive web design to build the baseline for the cross-browser experience, we benefit from its future-proofness and robustness. For the specific exceptions, we can benefit from the granular control that SharePoint device channels offer us.

Free integration guide -Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and Office 365

Combining the online services of Office 365 with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online empowers your teams to work where and when they want with best-of-class cloud services.

This guide is intended for Microsoft Dynamics CRM administrators and technical decision makers interested in exploring Office 365 services and how they integrate with Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. Integration with Office 365 becomes increasingly relevant to

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online users as management of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online shifts to the Microsoft online services environment.

For a .pdf version of this document: Integration Guide: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and Office 365 please visit –

Some of what this paper covers:

  • Add an Office 365 trial subscription to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
  • Set up CRM Online to use Exchange Online
  • Set up CRM Online to use SharePoint Online
  • Set up CRM Online to use Lync Online
  • Set up CRM Online to  use Yammer

Looking for a standard Project Management approach to developing SharePoint Solutions? Look no further than Microsot’s SharePoint Server 2013 Application Life Cycle Management

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 gives developers several options for creating and deploying applications that are based on SharePoint technologies, for both on-premises and in hosted or public cloud platforms. SharePoint Server 2013 offers increased flexibility in the shape applications can take as well as new options for using standards-based technologies with applications. Although these application capabilities and deployment options afforded by the new application model inSharePoint provide an effective means for developers to create new and immersive applications, developers must be able to infuse quality, testing and ALM considerations into the development process. This article applies common ALM concepts and practices to application development using SharePoint Server 2013 technologies.

What’s new

SharePoint Server 2013 establishes a new paradigm for implementing applications. Because of this shift in application development with SharePoint technologies, developers and architects should have a thorough understanding of the new application development patterns, practices, and deployment models for SharePoint Server 2013. It’s important to note that while the application model for developing solutions with SharePoint has changed, many of the patterns used for solution development including choice of technologies, implementation techniques are in line with existing web application development technologies.

The following resources outline the application types that can be constructed using SharePoint Server 2013 technologies and contain considerations for both on-premises and cloud applications. To understand hosting options for apps for SharePoint, see Choose patterns for developing and hosting your app for SharePoint.

Additionally, Microsoft advises customers to evaluate the technologies used when developing applications with SharePoint Server 2013 as there is a wider set of choices for solution implementation. When creating applications, customers can focus on leveraging standards-based technologies such as HTML5 and JavaScript for presentation and user experience layers, while OData and OAuth can be leveraged for service-based access to back end services including SharePoint. Customers should consider carefully whether full trust code (that is, compiled assemblies deployed to SharePoint) are required. although continuing to use that development paradigm, while still valid and required in some situations, does impose significant overhead on the ALM process.

For more information about the new flexible development technologies for applications on SharePoint Server 2013, see SharePoint 2013 development overview.

Benefits and changes

Because SharePoint-supported application development technologies now offer a more flexible assortment of languages and programming architectures, developers need to adapt existing ALM practices around mainstream development techniques to accommodate for their presence within SharePoint. Concepts such as testing, build establishment, deployment, and quality control, can be expanded to include deployment to SharePoint as a SharePoint application. This may mean that although many developers that are accustomed to writing and deploying server-side farm solutions that extend the core capabilities of SharePoint, common ALM practices for the new flexible development model facilitated by SharePoint Server 2013 applications must be applied to the implementation process.

As customers continue the transition to cloud-hosted implementations of SharePoint Server 2013, developers will need to understand how to extend ALM concepts to include development, testing, and deployment target environments that sit outside the physical boundaries of the organization. This includes evaluating the technology strategy for conducting application development, testing, and deployment.

Developers and architects alike can become well-versed in synthesizing solutions that consist of multiple application components that span or combine different types of hosting options. During this adaptation process, ALM procedures should be applied unilaterally to these applications. For example, developers may need to deploy an application that spans on-premises services deployment (that is, IIS, ASP.NET, MVC, WebAPI, and WCF), Windows Azure, SharePoint Server 2013, and SQL Azure, while also being able to test the application components to determine quality or whether any regressions have been introduced since a previous build. These requirements may signify a significant shift in how developers and teams regard the daily build and deployment process that is a well-known procedure for on-premises or server-side solutions.

Development team considerations

For organizations that have more than one application developer or architect, team development for SharePoint Server 2013 should be carefully planned to provide the highest-quality applications as well as support sufficient developer productivity. Because the method for conducting application development has increased in flexibility, teams will need to be clear and confident not only on ALM practices and patterns, but also on how each developer will write code and ensure that quality code becomes part of the application build process.

These considerations begin with selecting the appropriate development environment. Traditionally, development has been relegated to conducting separate development in virtual machines that are connected to a common code repository that provided build, deployment, and testing capabilities, like Visual Studio TFS 2012. TFS is still a strong instrumental component of an ALM strategy, and central to the development effort, but teams should consider how to leverage TFS across the different types of development environment options.

Depending on the target environment, the solution type (that is, which components will be on-premises and which will be hosted in cloud infrastructure or services), developers can now select from a combination of new development environment options. These options will consist of new choices such as the SharePoint developer site template, an Office 365 developer tenant, as well as legacy choices such as virtual machine-based development using Hyper-V in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012.

The following section describes development environment considerations for application developers and development teams.

The selection of a development environment should be made based on multiple factors. These considerations are largely influenced by the type of application being developed as well as the target platform for the application. Traditionally, when creating applications for SharePoint Server 2010, developers would provision virtual machines and conduct development in isolation. This was due to the fact that deployment of full trust solutions may have required restarts of core SharePoint dependencies, such as IIS, which would prevent multiple developers from using a single SharePoint environment. Because development technologies have changed and the options for developers creating applications have increased, developers and teams should understand the choice of development environments available to them. Figure 1 shows the development environment and tool mix, and includes the types of solutions that can be deployed to the target environments.

Figure 1. Development environment components and tools

The app development environment can include Office 365, Visual Studio, and virtual machines.

Click to see enlargement.

Development environment philosophy

Because of the investments made in how applications can be designed and implemented using SharePoint Server 2013, developers should determine if there is a need to conduct development using server-side code. As developers create applications that use the cloud-hosted model, the requirement to conduct development that relies on virtualized environments, specifically for SharePoint, diminishes. Developers should seek to build solutions with the remote-development model that uses existing cloud-based (both public and private) infrastructure. If development environments can be quickly and easily provisioned without having to create and orchestrate virtualization, developers can invest more time in focusing on development productivity and quality, rather than infrastructure management.

The decision to require a virtualized instance of SharePoint Server 2013 versus the new SharePoint development site template will depend on whether or not the application requires full trust code to be deployed to SharePoint and run there. If no full trust code is required, we recommend using the developer site template, which can be found in Office 365 development tenants or within an organization’s implementation of on-premises SharePoint. Developer site templates are designed for developers to deploy applications directly to SharePoint from Visual Studio. Office 365 developer sites are preconfigured for application isolation and OAuth so that developers can begin writing and testing applications right away.

The following sections describe in detail when developers can use the different environment options to build applications.

O365 development sites (public cloud)

Figure 2 shows how developers can use Office 365 as a development environment and includes the types of tools produce SharePoint applications that can be hosted in Office 365.

Figure 2. Office 365 app development

Build apps for SharePoint with Office 365, Visual Studio, and "Napa."

Click to see enlargement.

Developers with MSDN subscriptions can obtain a development tenant that contains aSharePointDeveloper Site. The SharePointDeveloper Site is preconfigured for developing applications. Users can use not only Visual Studio 2012 in developing applications, but with Office 365 developer sites, “Napa” Office 365 Development Tools can be used within the site to construct applications. For more information about getting started with anOffice 365 Developer Site, see Sign up for an Office 365 Developer Site.

Developers can start creating applications that will be hosted in Office 365, on-premises or on other infrastructure in a provider-hosted model. The benefit of this environment is that infrastructure, virtualization and other hosting considerations for a SharePoint development environment are abstracted by Office 365, allowing developers to create applications instantly. A prime consideration for this type of development environment is that applications that require full trust code to be deployed toSharePoint cannot be accommodated. Microsoft recommends using the SharePoint client-side object model (CSOM) and client-side technologies such asJavaScript as much as possible. In the event that full trust code is required (but deployment of the code to run on SharePoint is not required), we recommend deploying the server-side code in an autohosted or provider-hosted model. Note that these full trust code solutions that are deployed to provider-hosted infrastructure also use the CSOM but can use languages such as C#. It’s also important to note that these applications deployed in a provider-hosted model can use other technology stacks and still use the CSOM to interact with SharePoint Server 2013.

Development teams creating separate features or applications that contain a larger solution will need a centralized deployment target to integration test components. Because each developer is creating features or applications on their own Office 365 developer site, a centralized site collection in a target tenant or on-premises environment should be provisioned so that each developer’s application components can be deployed there. This approach will allow for a centralized place to conduct integration testing between solution components. The testing section of this document reviews this process in more detail.

“Napa” Office 365 Development ToolsOffice 365 development tools

The “Napa” Office 365 Development Toolsdevelopment tools can be used by developers for the simpler creation of applications within an Office 365 developer site. The intention of the “Napa” Office 365 Development Tools tools is for developers, or power users who are proficient in client-side technologies, to quickly develop and deploy applications in a prototype, proof-of-concept or rapid business solution scenario. These tools provide a means of developing application functionality on SharePoint. However, during the lifecycle of an application, there may be points at which the application should be imported into Visual Studio. These conditions are outlined as follows”

  • When more than one developer has to contribute or develop part of the solution

  • When an application reaches a level of dependence by users whom requires the application of lifecycle management practices

  • When functional requirements for the application change over time to require supplementary solution components (such as compiled services or data sources)

  • When the application requires integration with other applications or solution components

  • When developers have to use quality control measures such as automated builds and testing

Once these or other similar conditions occur, developers must export the solution into a source controlled environment such as TFS and apply ALM design considerations and procedures to the application’s future development.

Development sites (remote development)

For organizations or developers who choose not to use Office 365 developer sites as a primary means for SharePoint application development, on-premises developer sites can be used to develop SharePoint applications. In this model, the Office 365 developer sites’ capability is replaced with on-premises developer sites hosted within a SharePoint farm. Customers can create a development private cloud by deploying a SharePoint farm to house developer site instances. Customers can supply their own governance automation in order to provide developer site template creation or use the SharePoint in-product capabilities to provision developer site instances. Figure 3 illustrates this setup.

Figure 3. On-premises app development with the developer site template

Build apps for SharePoint in an on-premises deployment of SharePoint 2013 with the developer site template

Click to see enlargement.

Figure 3 describes the development tools and application types that can be enabled with developer sites when using an on-premises SharePoint farm as a host. Note that “Napa” Office 365 Development ToolsOffice 365 development tools cannot be used in this environment as they are a capability only present in Office 365 development sites.

TheSharePoint farm that hosts Developer Site instances must be monitored and meet service and recovery point and time level objectives so that developers who rely on them to create applications can be productive and not experience outages. Customers can apply private cloud concepts such as elasticity and scale units and a management fabric to this environment. Operations and management have to be applied to the SharePoint farm where the developer sites are hosted also. This will help control unmonitored sprawl of multiple developer sites that are stale or unused and provide a way to understand when the environment has to scale.

Customers can decide to use infrastructure as a service (IaaS) capabilities like Windows Azure to host theSharePoint farms that contain and host developer sites, or their own on-premises virtual or physical environments. Note that using this model does not require a SharePoint installation for each developer. Remote application development will only require Visual Studio and Office and SharePoint 2013 development tools on the developer work station.

Developers must establish provider-hosted infrastructure to deploy the provider-hosted applications. Although provider-hosted components of a SharePoint application can be implemented in a wide-array of technologies, developers must provide an infrastructure for hosting those components of the application that run outside SharePoint. For example, if a team is developing a SharePoint application whose user experience and other components reside in anASP.NET application, the development team should use local versions of IIS,SQL Server, and so on engage in traditional ALM team development patterns for ASP.NET.

Self-contained farm environments (virtualized farm development)

For those solutions that require the deployment of full trust code to run on a SharePoint farm a full (often virtualized) implementation of SharePoint Server 2013 will be required. For guidance on how to create an on-premises development environment for SharePoint, see How to: Set up an on-premises development environment for apps for SharePoint.

Figure 4 shows the types of applications that can be created using an on-premises virtualized environment.

Figure 4. On-premises development with a virtual environment

Build apps for SharePoint in a virtual on-premises environment

Click to see enlargement.

Developers can conduct remote development for the SharePoint and cloud-hosted applications within their own SharePoint farms as well as the development of full trust farm solutions. These farms are often hosted within a virtualization server running either on the developer’s workstation or in a centralized virtualization private cloud that can easily be accessible to developers. The SharePoint farm environment is usually separate from other developers’ farms and provides a level of isolation that is required when developing full trust code that may require the restart of critical services (that is IIS).

Remote development can occur within the self-contained farm as well as the development of full trust code as each development farm is isolated and dedicated to a single developer.

Organizations or developers will have to manage and update the SharePoint farms running within the virtual computers. For developers who are contributing to a single application, parity across the development farms running inside the virtual computers must be maintained. This practice ensures that each component of code developed for the application has consistency. Other common considerations are a standard configuration for the farms including domain access and credentials, service application credentials, testing identities or accounts and other environmental configuration elements (such as certificates).

Similar to a centralized farm for development sites, these virtual machines running developerSharePoint farms can be hosted in IaaS platforms such as Windows Azure, and on-premises private cloud offerings.

Note that, although virtual machines offer a great deal of isolation and independence from other developer virtual machines, teams should strive to have uniformity between the virtual machine configurations. This includes common domain, account and security, SharePoint configurations and a connection to a source control repository such as Visual Studio Team Foundation Server (TFS).

When constructing SharePoint applications, there are several considerations that have to be addressed to provide governance and common development practices for consistency and quality. When applying ALM principles to SharePoint application development, developers must focus on technical considerations as well as process-driven considerations.

The support of an ALM platform, such as Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2012, is usually a requirement when conducting application development especially with teams of developers working on the same set of projects. SharePoint applications, like other technical solutions, require code repository management and versioning, build services, testing services, and release management practices. The following section describes considerations for ALM as applied to the different application models for SharePoint applications.


For each type of SharePoint application, the ALM considerations must be applied without variation in concept. However, practices and procedures around build, testing, and change management must be adjusted.

Some SharePoint applications will use client-side technologies. Most developers who have SharePoint Server 2010 application development experience will have to adjust to developing and applying ALM principles to non-compiled code. This adjustment includes applying concepts such as a “build” to a solution that may not have compiled code. ALM platforms such as Visual Studio 2012 have built-in capabilities to validate builds by first compiling the code, and second, by running build verification tests (BVTs) against the build.

For SharePoint applications, the process relating to build and testing should remain consistent with traditional application development processes. This includes the creation of a build schedule by the ALM platform, which will compile the solution and deploy it into the target environment.

Build processes

The SharePoint application build processes are facilitated by the ALM platform. Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2012 provides both build and test services that can be triggered on solution check in from Visual Studio 2012 (continuous integration) or at specified scheduled intervals.

SharePoint build components

When planning build processes for SharePoint application development, developers have to consider the interactions between the components, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. SharePoint-hosted app build components

Visual Studio builds work with app manifests, pages, and supporting files.

The illustration in Figure 5 is a logical representation of a SharePoint application. This illustration shows a SharePoint-hosted app and highlights key application objects as part of a Visual Studio 2012SharePoint-hosted app project. The SharePoint app project contains the features, package, and manifest that will be registered with SharePoint. The project also contains pages, script libraries, and other elements of user experience that constitute the SharePoint application. In addition, the SharePoint project has supporting files which include the necessary certificates for deployment to a target SharePoint environment.

Figure 6. Provider-hosted and autohosted app build components

Provider-hosted apps contain both SharePoint app packages and cloud-hosted components.

Figure 6 shows a SharePoint cloud-hosted application (that is, autohosted or provider-hosted). The main difference in the project structure is that the Visual Studio 2012 solution contains a SharePoint application project in addition to one or more projects that contain the cloud-hosted application components. These may include web applications, SQL database projects, or service applications that will be deployed to Windows Azure or an on-premises provider hosted infrastructure (such as ASP.NET) and other solution components. For guidance on packaging and deployment with high-trust applications, see How to: Package and publish high-trust apps for SharePoint 2013.

Figure 7. ALM with Visual Studio Team Foundation Server

TFS can be configured to conduct build and deployment activities with a SharePoint application through build definitions.

Figure 7 shows TFS as the ALM platform. Teams will use TFS to store code and conduct team development either using TFS deployed on-premises or using Microsoft cloud-based TFS services. TFS can be configured to conduct build and deployment activities with a SharePoint application through build definitions. TFS can also be used to conduct build verification tests (BVTs) that may be automated through the execution of coded UI tests that are part of the build definition.

Figure 8. TFS build targets

Scripts executed by a TFS build definition will deploy the SharePoint application components to SharePoint Online and on-premises SharePoint.

Figure 8 shows the target environments where scripts executed by a TFS build definition will deploy the SharePoint application components. For SharePoint-hosted applications this includes deployment to either SharePoint Online or to on-premises SharePoint application catalogs.

For cloud-hosted SharePoint applications, the components of the solution that require additional infrastructure outside SharePoint are deployed to target environments. For autohosted applications, this will be Windows Azure. For provider-hosted applications, this infrastructure can be Windows Azure, or other on-premises or IaaS-hosted environments.

Creating a build for SharePoint applications

TFS provides build services that can compile solutions checked into source control and place the output in a centralized drop location for deployment to target environments in an automated manner. The primary method of configuring TFS to conduct automated builds, deployments, and testing of SharePoint applications is to create a build definition in Visual Studio. The build definition contains information about which code projects to compile, as well as any post-compilation activities such as testing and actual deployment to the target environments. For more information about the Team Foundation Build Service, see Set up Team Foundation Build Service.

To achieve continuous integration, the build definition can be triggered when developers check in code. Additionally, the build definition can be scheduled to execute at set intervals.

ForSharePoint applications, developers should use the Office/SharePoint 2013 Continuous Integration with TFS 2012 build definitions project to achieve scheduled builds or continuous integration. This project provides build definitions, Windows PowerShell scripts, and process instructions on how to configure Visual Studio Online or an on-premises version of TFS to build and deploy SharePoint applications in a continuous integration model. Developers should download the components in this project and configure their instance of TFS accordingly. For instructions on how to configure TFS with the provided build definition for SharePoint applications and configure the build definition to use the Windows PowerShell scripts to deploy the SharePoint application to a target environment, see the Office/SharePoint 2013 Continuous Integration with TFS 2012 documentation.

Configuring build and deployment procedures

Figure 9 shows a standard process for SharePoint application builds and deployments when the build definition has been created, configured, and deployed to the team’s instance of TFS.

Figure 9. Build and deployment process with TFS

TFS build services execute the steps defined by the SharePoint application build definition.

Click to see enlargement.

The developer checks in the SharePoint application Visual Studio 2012 solution. Depending on the desired configuration (that is, continuous integration or scheduled build), TFS build services will execute the steps defined by the SharePoint application build definition. This definition, configured by developers, contains the continuous integration build process template as well as post-build instructions to execute Windows PowerShell scripts for application deployment. Note that the SharePoint Online Management Shell extensions will be required in order to deploy the application to SharePoint Online. For more information about SharePoint Online Management Shell extensions, see SharePoint Online Management Shell page on the Download Center.

Once the build has been triggered, TFS will compile the projects associated with the SharePoint application and execute Windows PowerShell scripts to deploy the solution to the target SharePoint environment.

Trusting the SharePoint application

Following deployment of the application components to the target environments, it is important to note that before anyone accessing the application, including automated tests that may be part of the build, a tenant (or site collection) administrator will have to trust the application on the app information page in SharePoint. This requirement applies to autohosted and SharePoint–hosted apps. This manual process represents a change in the build process as tests that would typically run following the deployment to the target environment will have to be suspended until the application is trusted.

Note that for cloud-hosted (auto and provider) applications, developers can deploy the non-SharePoint components to the cloud-hosted infrastructure separately from the application package that is deployed to SharePoint.

Figure 10. Deploying non-SharePoint components

As developers make changes to the solution that represents the SharePoint application, there may be circumstances where changes are made to the projects within the solution that do not apply to the SharePoint application project itself.

Click to see enlargement.

As shown in Figure 10, when developers make changes to the solution that represents the SharePoint application, there may be circumstances where changes are made to the projects within the solution that do not apply to theSharePoint application project itself. In this circumstance, the SharePoint application project does not have to be redeployed as it has not changed. The changes associated with the cloud-hosted projects must be redeployed.

Changes to the application that will be deployed to infrastructure outside SharePoint can be done so separately from the application components that get deployed into the target site collection or tenant. For developers, this means that an automated build process can be created to deploy the cloud-hosted components on a frequent (triggered) basis and separately from the SharePoint application project. Thus, the manual step to approve the application’s permission on the app information page in SharePoint is not required, allowing for a more continuous deployment and testing process for the build definition. The SharePoint application component of the solution would only have to be deployed in a circumstance were the items within this project changed and required redeployment.


As described in the build processes section, application testing is a method of determining whether the compilation and deployment of the application was successful. By using testing as a means of verifying the build and deployment of the application, the team is provided with an understanding of quality, as well as a way of knowing when a recent change to the application’s code has compromised the SharePoint application.

Figure 11 shows the types of testing approaches that are best used with SharePoint application models.

Figure 11. Testing approaches

Coded UI tests should be leveraged against SharePoint-hosted applications where the business logic and the user experience reside in the same layer.

Click to see enlargement.

Figure 11 suggests the use of different types of tests for testing SharePoint applications by type. Coded UI tests should be used against SharePoint-hosted applications where the business logic and the user experience reside in the same layer. While business logic can be abstracted to JavaScript libraries, a primary means of testing that logic will be through the user experience.

Cloud-hosted applications (that is, autohosted and provider-hosted) can use fully coded UI tests while also using unit tests for verification of the service components of the solution. This provides developer confidence in the quality of the application’s hosted infrastructure implementation from a functional perspective.

The following sections review the considerations for coded UI tests and other test types in relation to SharePoint applications.

Client-side code and coded UI tests

For build verification testing (BVT) as well as complete system testing, coded UI tests are recommended. These tests rely on recorded actions to test not only the business logic and middle tier of the application, but the user experience as well. For SharePoint applications that use client-side code, much of the business logic’s entry points and execution may exist in the user experience tier. For this reason, coded UI tests can not only test the user experience, but the business logic of the application as well. For more information about the coded UI test, see Verifying Code by Using UI Automation.

Coded UI tests can be used in SharePoint-hosted apps where much of the UX and the business logic may be intermixed. These tests, like others can be run from a build definition in TFS so that they can verify an application’s functionality after deployment (and the application is trusted by SharePoint).

Non-coded UI tests

For circumstances where the application logic exists outside the application’s UX layer, such as in cloud-hosted applications, a combination of coded UI tests and non-coded UI tests should be leveraged. Tests such as traditional unit tests can be used to validate the build quality of service logic that is implemented on a provider-hosted infrastructure. This provides the developer with a holistic confidence in the provider-hosted components of the solution function, and are covered from a testing point of view.

Web performance and load tests

Web performance and load tests provide developers with the confidence that the application functions under expected or anticipated user loads. This testing includes determining the application’s capability to concurrently handle a predictable user base that will reasonably scale over time. Both coded UI and unit tests can be the source of the web performance and load test. Using an ALM platform like TFS, these tests can be used to load test the application.

Note that the testing of the infrastructure is not a primary goal of these tests when using them to test SharePoint applications. The infrastructure, whether SharePoint-hosted or provider-hosted, should have a similar load and performance baseline established. The web performance and load tests for the application will highlight infrastructure challenges, but should be regarded primarily as a means to test the application’s performance.

For more information about web performance and load tests, see Run performance tests on an application before a release.

Quality and testing environments

Many organizations have several testing environments that may be either physical, or virtual and separate from each other. These environments can vary based on a team’s ALM process, regulatory requirements or a combination of both. To determine the number and types of testing environments that teams should use, the following guidance is based on functional practices specific to SharePoint applications, but also uses ALM practices for software development at large.

Developer testing

Developer testing can occur in the environment where the developers are creating their component of the solution. Multiple developers, working on different aspects or components of a larger application, will each have unit tests, coded UI tests, and the application code deployed into their development site.

Figure 12. Developer testing process

Developers will execute tests from Visual Studio against the solution components deployed in their own Office 365 or on-premises developer site.

Click to see enlargement.

Developers will execute tests from Visual Studio against the solution components deployed in their own Office 365 or on-premises developer site. For cloud-hosted applications, the tests will also be executed from Visual Studio against the solution components that reside on provider-hosted infrastructure. These components will reside in the developer’s Windows Azure subscription.

Note that this approach assumes that developers either have individual Office 365 developer sites and Windows Azure subscriptions, which are supplied through MSDN subscriptions. Even if developers are creating applications for on-premises deployment, these developer services can be used for development and testing.

If developers do not have these services, or are required to do development entirely on-premises, then they will execute tests for their components against an on-premises farm’s developer site collection and developer-specific, provider-hosted infrastructure. The provider-hosted infrastructure can reside in developer-dedicated virtual machines. For the development of full-trust solutions, developers would require their own virtual SharePoint farm and provider-hosted infrastructure.

Integration and systems testing

In order to test the application, all of the development components should be assembled and deployed in a centralized environment. This integration environment provides a place where developers can deploy and observe the components of the solution they created interacting with other solution components written by other developers.

Figure 13. Integration testing environment

TFS will build and deploy the SharePoint application and any required components to the target environments.

Click to see enlargement.

For this type of testing, the ALM platform will build and deploy the SharePoint application and any required components to the target environments. For SharePoint-hosted applications, this will either be an Office 365 site or an on-premises/IaaS SharePoint Server 2013 site collection specifically established for integration and systems testing. For SharePoint cloud-hosted applications, TFS will also deploy the components to a centralized Windows Azure subscription where the services will be configured specifically for integration/systems testing. TFS will then execute coded UI or unit tests against the SharePoint application, as well as any components that the solution requires on hosted infrastructure.

UAT and QA testing

For user acceptance testing (UAT), organizations often have separate environments where this function is performed apart from integration and systems testing. Separating these testing environments prevents the cadence of automated continuous release and testing from interfering with UAT activities where users may be executing tests against a specified build of the application over an extended period of time.

Figure 14. UAT testing

Users assigned to conduct acceptance testing or organizational testing resources conduct test scripts in a stable environment that is focused on a well-publicized build version of the application.

Click to see enlargement.

As shown in Figure 14, users assigned to conduct acceptance testing or organizational testing resources conduct test scripts in a stable environment that is focused on a well-publicized build of the application. While code deployment and testing continues in the integration environment, users will conduct manual testing to validate that the application meets required use or test cases. The application and any provider-hosted infrastructure will be deployed, typically by a release manager, into this testing environment. An automated deployment is possible as well. This sort of deployment uses a dedicated UAT build definition in TFS that mirrors the one that conducts deployment for the integration and systems testing environment.

For cloud-hosted infrastructure, deployment into a Windows Azure subscription that is shared with the integration and systems test environments is possible if the services are named and configured to be deployed side by side as different services or databases. This approach provides a set of services and databases in the testing Windows Azure subscription for integration and systems testing as well as UAT and QA testing, as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Integration and UAT testing

Deployment into a Windows Azure subscription that is shared with the integration/systems test environment is possible if the services are named and configured to be deployed side by side as different services or databases.

Click to see enlargement.

Code promotion practices

The code promotion process between the development and testing environments as well as the production environment should be done using a well-defined release management process. In Figure 16, developers conduct deployment of their solution components to development environments for unit testing.

Figure 16. Release management process

Following a check-in to TFS, an automated build procedure will compile and deploy the solution to the target environment where build verification tests will be executed as part of the build definition in TFS.

Click to see enlargement.

Following a check-in to TFS, an automated build procedure will compile and deploy the solution to the target integration and system testing environment where build verification tests will be executed as part of the build definition in TFS. This approach includes deploying the provider-hosted components of the solution to the target environment (Windows Azure or on-premises environments). Note that for Windows Azure infrastructure, the Windows Azure subscription can be the same one used for both integration and system testing as well as UAT and QA assuming they are deployed to different namespaces and separate SQL databases.

A release manager or a separate TFS build definition, manually invoked in most cases, can deploy to the UA or TQA environment. This approach helps control the build version that users will be testing against. Release managers can pick up the builds from a TFS share and execute the deployment process themselves. From promotion to production, release management will be involved to deploy the application to the production environment and monitor its installation and build verification through tests.

Microsoft has specific guidance on how application developers can upgrade applications. The SharePoint Server 2013 platform supports the notification of new application versions to users.

For considerations on establishing a strategy around SharePoint application upgrades and patching, see How to: Update apps for SharePoint.

For changes to applications, the recommended pattern to follow is consistent with existing code development and sustained engineering patterns. This includes disciplined branching and merging for bug fixes and feature development as well as incremental deployments to target application catalogs. The preceding guidance can be used to complete changes to applications for SharePoint and deploy them to target application catalogs or the store.

The information in App for SharePoint update process provides additional tactical guidance on the techniques for updating SharePoint applications. This includes accelerating deployment testing by shortening the cycle by which application updates are reflected in the farm in test environments. Additionally, this article has guidance on how to accommodate for state within various application deployment models.

Contrary to popular beliefs – The SAME skills are used to develop SharePoint On-premise and SharePoint Online Apps

Taking an on-premise application and deploying it on a Windows Azure Virtual Machine should be straight forward. The majority of modifications required, include changing configurations in order to accommodate differences in the Virtual Machine’s configuration.

Going to the cloud on a single Virtual Machine is like crossing the ocean on a row boat. You’ll probably get there, but I can’t guarantee anything.

row boat

Once you’ve deployed your application to the cloud, things get interesting because you have opportunities that allow you to solidify your application.

If you are building your application on the Cloud instead of building your application for the Cloud, you’re doing it wrong!

Taking advantage of services offered on Windows Azure allows you concentrate on creating value for your business. The Windows Azure teams takes care of lots of boring stuff like disaster recovery. To me, build applications for the cloud is equivalent of going from a row boat to a fleet of navy destroyers. (Alright, I may be a little overconfident, but you get the picture.)

going to war

Preparing applications to go web scale isn’t a trivial task. Each application is unique and requires different services. You will need to go over your objectives and build accordingly.

Although the planning phase isn’t trivial, augmenting your applications with cloud services isn’t as complicated as some might think. The Windows Azure teams provide an amazing amount of support materials like hands on labs, tutorials and a rich collection of documentation.

Architectural Considerations

Throughout the planning phase of an application on the cloud there are a few architectural strategies that require some extra attention.

Cloud Design Patterns

While designing or augmenting cloud based applications, the following patterns should be consider. While this list isn’t complete, it should be used as a starting point.

For more patterns, take a look at the resources listed at the bottom of this post.

  • Cache-aside Pattern – This is a common technique that we can use to improve the performance and scalability of a cloud solution by temporarily copying frequently accessed data to fast storage located close to the application.
  • Queue-based Load Leveling Pattern – Cloud solutions are submitted to very unpredictable loads and require protection against their own success. By placing queues between clients and the workers who execute tasks, you are protecting yourself against spikes.
  • Competing Consumers Pattern – Enable multiple Cloud Service instances to retrieve messages from the same source.
  • Compute Resource Consolidation Pattern – Consolidate multiple tasks or operations into a single computational unit (Roles, Virtual Machines, Web Sites).
  • Eventual Consistency – Cloud solutions use data that’s dispersed and duplicated across data stores, managing and maintaining data consistency can become a major bottleneck.
  • Leader Election Pattern – A great way to coordinate actions being performed by a group of Cloud Service instances is to elect a leader that can act as the coordinator. This is extremely useful for maintenance tasks and singleton tasks that need fallbacks.
  • Materialized View Pattern – This has got to be one of my favorite cloud patterns. The solutions’ data may not be formatted in a way that favors our query requirements. In order to optimize our queries, it may be desirable to generate pre-populated views whose shapes correspond with our requirements.
  • Pipes and Filters Pattern – We should strive to decompose complex tasks into a series of discrete elements that can be reused.

Succeeding on the cloud is all about architecture, using the right service for the right reasons. This can be a challenge because cloud platforms are continuously evolving. Windows Azure is currently (Jan 2014) on a 3 week release cycle and it can be quite a challenge for all of us to keep up. Fortunately there are blogs, podcasts and online courses that help us along the way.

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